Pie 'oh' Pah

Not that I’m aware of.  Or at least not in the TV/movies stuff.  I’m sure they probably have in the comics or novels at some point.

I liked it a lot, but they can’t get to this fast enough.

Awwww.... he just didn’t want to miss a thing.

Christ, this was awful. The Easter eggs were kind of cool, but that was about it. Served as a good reminder why I’ve quit all of these except Batwoman (the best of the bunch by a wide margin) and The Flash (probably dropping that finally unless it improves over the completely dreadful first half of the season. Never

You’re wasting your time. He’s just going to dismiss this in the morning like he does with absolutely everyone who calls him out or even just mildly disagrees with him on anything. It’s why I generally only bother a few times a year just to remind him there’s some of us who still remember who he really is. This

Did your ignorant, racist ass seriously just try to call out someone else for stalking here? You do know we’ve all seen your sad, pathetic comments harassing everyone (and everyone they interact with) who isn’t an angry little incel like you, right, Jman? The dozens of upvotes on that comment should be your first

I can't believe the only comment pointing out all that was buried down in the greys. That second video was fantastic! 

Oh, definitely the wannabes.

Binged the whole thing this morning and loved it. My two main takeaways were that if Gina Carano isn’t a main player next season then she should get her own spinoff series (loved her more in this than anything else she’s done since she retired from UFC), and that Favreau should be overseeing all of Star Wars (still

It was crazy how many exposition dumps there were that still somehow never really explained much. 

My library has the audio versions available for download  so I'll probably go that way and listen while walking the dog 

Agreed about Will's story needing to be condensed. I liked him and his mother together, but it could've been halved at least and had more of an impact. 90% of the spying on them could have been cut too

Thanks. I definitely did not pick up on Coulter wanting to get rid of her monkey. Her character was all over the place. 

Someone at another place AlienJesus and I hang out suggested the same. I probably will before I watch any more of this 

Soulless is a good description of it. It definitely felt like it was being adapted in a perfunctory fashion for financial reasons and hoping for another GoT or Harry Potter rather than because someone was really passionate about the story.

So I just binged this whole thing today since it was storming out and I didn’t feel like doing anything I needed to get done anyway. I’d never even heard of the books before this but was interested because of Ruth and Dafne. Does this play a lot better if you’ve already read the books? Because this was very pretty but

Oh my God, Will Harris! You mean all I had to do to get my favourite AVC writer to show up was to invoke his name in some random comments section? I should’ve done this so much sooner because you’re not around here anywhere close to enough any more. Thought maybe you were done. It’s good to see you though, and thanks

3 days in a row they’ve listed that deal. Not one time has it worked, including at the time this was published. As soon as you get there it says that the promotion has ended, and the promo code is invalid when entered 

3 days in a row they’ve listed that deal. Not one time has it worked, including at the time this was published. As