Pie 'oh' Pah

It took 69 episodes, but Game Of Thrones’ horniness actually meant something last night

You mean like it literally says right there in my comment?

It was visually pleasing, but the only other bright spot for me was Marika Sila. I hope to see more of her in the future. It was paced badly. Maybe had it been shorter I’d have found it a bit more engaging, but I didn’t find Yeun’s character entertaining as much as annoying. This series has been a letdown for me so

Barry’s reaction was just some really bad writing.

I see that.  How about dismiss the extra for me, please.

I was thinking Janice from Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem


I was thinking Janice from Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

No. It panders to the left-wing version of your dipshit right-wing relative who constantly sends you emails with “re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Obummer did _______ treason_____ blah blah blah Hilary“ type of crap in the subject line. And the jokes are the kind of stuff you see on twitter or in comment sections. Makes

You had me at Gugu

Man, I was pretty excited about this when I saw pre-sale tickets available a couple of weeks ago at the place I go and looked it up to see that it was Roxann Dawson’s feature film directing debut. Had a cast of people I really enjoy and everything. And then, since I hadn’t seen trailers or heard anything about it,  I

My favourite is still

Chuck’s funeral scene was a thing of beauty, as was the look of joy/pride on his father’s face both as he passed the governor on the way to the podium and when it was all concluded.

Seconded on the Night King. I’d love to see him triumphant with winter having finally arrived and our heroes all slain. And as the camera pulls back from the bodies through the storm you see Tommy Westphall.... and pulls back a little further and John Munch is standing there with his hand on Tommy’s shoulder whereupon

Do you ever actually make comments where you aren’t being a piece of shit to people and/or demonstrating how much of and ignorant jackass you are?   What a sad little boy you are.

She does.  “Joe lies..... Joe lies... when he cries.....”


No. Subtlety was very much needed and lacking here. This was a pretty great episode for the first two-thirds. In tone and writing it actually felt like a Stephen King take on a very familiar story. You’re right about the tension and dread. Then when Steve Harris entered the story it devolved into a shitty ABC