
Today, before I started teaching Huck Finn, my classes and I had a long LONG talk about the use of the "n-word". They were shocked to know some people still use it. I didn't have the heart to tell them about this :<

@kalleyverse A replay system is SORELY needed! And think of how much a longer game will assist in my procrastination!

Your move, MLB.

Those asshole cops are going to regret the day they messed with Pollos Hermanos!

Girl, it's like you plucked this from my brain. My first is 8 months old now, and at 34, these thoughts are keeping me awake at night.

Well said.

I have to add...in seven years, this has NEVER happened.

Jez, are you spying on me?

Um....WTF is happening?!

I'm so grossed out by the press on Demi's 911 call. We were waiting for the Thursday night NBC lineup to come on and we had Entertainment Tonight in the background. Nearly the ENTIRE show was dedicated to dissecting the 911 call. I mean, isn't Miley nomming on a penis cake somewhere? Isn't JHud still talking about

Thanks, Jez. You made me cry even before I leave the house to go to work.

Ditto this. January Jones' narrow range would have been way more appropriate.

Having just read the shirt scene...my students would be THRILLED.

Can't I vote eight times? :(

Here, here!

Oh god. I hate faux Victorian shit.

Why do we share a brain?

Gabby Giffords or Elizabeth Warren FTW!

Um, holla! I bought that shit from iTunes in July and I play it all the time!

Obamas, adopt me!!