
How many plays were there between the injury and the TD pass? Did the Eagles huddle at all?

That's his left hand.

Every passing year, Jimmy Johnson's decision to move on from Jerry makes more and more sense.

And if you can, you should probably see a doctor. Immediately.

Yeah, that's a much better representation of this specialness of the goal. The above view in the original post didn't really clearly capture it unless you knew what you should be focusing on.

I would suggest he meant "women with nice teeth" are likely scarce. Or he assumes Jozy doesn't care for white women which I really don't know one way or the other.

Do you think he could be successful in the EPL with service and creativity around him? I don't think we know that because that's what's been lacking. I wouldn't ever suggest he's a savior for anyone, but he's clearly not getting service that plays to his strengths but would think he could be a contributor (third

After he got on track with a goal vs. Nigeria in one of the send-offs, I was optimistic for his prospects in Brazil... but 22 minutes later, we know how that ended.

I'm sure Garber and Jurgen have different feelings on the merits of that suggestion.

No comment.

The Civil War-era hotel that we used as our wedding venue did not have running water after like 10pm, and we had an early flight the next morning (from airport an hour away), so... no.


I really wish he had said "NBA Head Coach" because if you include assistants, this is going to take entirely too much of my time to research who played in college, when, where, what their academic calendar looked like and which were in a fraternity.

How you doin'?

I read Dear Prudence regularly and this struck me as an obvious fake message. It was so stereotypical and exaggerated: rich, presumably white, privileged, looking down on the poor and very likely non-white, and making everything into a problem to be blamed on the social welfare system (how does one make that leap?!?),

I noticed that first play from scrimmage and was shocked that they didn't show a replay and the CBS booth didn't comment and they went right to the next play, without any stoppage for medical attention. It wasn't clear to me whether the player continued on the next play or if he was substituted out. Pretty

"Dr. Know" is my favorite parody adaptation of the James Bond classic, "Dr. No".

According to several Asian friends, they do have a more substantial reaction to alcohol than many other ethnicities, however if you take pepto before drinking, you can lessen the impact. But wouldn't that argument point toward an Asian driver being more impaired at 0.11 than someone who did not have that genetic trait


In the immortal words of the philosopher David Wooderson: "That's what I love about that Lennay Kekua, man. I get older, she stays the same age."