That's a great joke, but I dislike the context of your use of it.
That's a great joke, but I dislike the context of your use of it.
Agreed. Isn't getting an extra day with people who want to spend time with you a victory? Isn't getting to touch someone else's life and convince them it's worth the struggle another victory?
Yes, but you're probably a horrible person for other reasons too.
I had to see a hematologist a couple years back for a very manageable blood disorder (not cancer-related) - several visits over 2-3 months, lots of tests. A majority of his day was spent working with cancer patients and their doctors to make sure that their treatments weren't destroying their blood and coming up with…
I went to three games at Corinthians and one at Maracana.
Isn't Teixeira the ex-son-in-law of former FIFA president João Havelange?
I guess I could go up to $55 if it helps you out, man.
Yeah, that was not the best-struck ball. It kinda dribbled in slowly.
I don't know how to rank among the top three here (Cahill, James, Van Persie) plus the Götze title-winner. All are magnificent and the passes that set them up were perfect; except for the James one, the degree of difficulty on the assists was ridiculously high.
I haven't been in probably close to 20 years, but from what I recall, there are a few interludes in the action for tricks and bringing people out of the crowd for participation, but a majority of the "show" is actual basketball with a heavy dose of showmanship (and lax officiating - especially in terms of shot clock)…
I just like being able to critique "my fellow NFL owners"...
Yeah, let's give Christian fundamentalists another subject to try to fuck up in our schools.
Götze for the win!
I try to get a good long look, very up close and personal, on a regular basis. They really are fascinating.
He's absolutely very much still a teenager in many respects (by that I mean he's lacking in maturity), but aren't most of the people here on Deadspin literally teens (well, those that aren't lawyers or doctors)?
appology accepted
Sokolow is identified as a "legal advisor" to the school who throws a pity party for universities implicated in sexual assault related bullshit. Sokolow himself is no stranger to campus rape. In fact, he's built himself a bit of a career defending rapists and universities who fail victims, earlier this year famously…
So... the NYT declines to identify the members of the football team who were accused in this case, stating, "Other students provided their own statements, including the three accused football players. (They are not being identified in this article because the school cleared them.)" even though the primary message of…
This sounds a bit like The Principality of Sealand:… except Sealand is a manmade platform in the North Sea and this "Kingdom of North Sudan" involves actual land.