Trona, CA will kill your fucking soul.
Trona, CA will kill your fucking soul.
Hope isn’t being suspended or released because of the Sweden comment. Rather, she’s being released because she’s been given slaps on the wrist over and over again because, up to this point, she was valuable to U.S. Soccer. But she is no longer the goalie she once was.
If you have not seen Ramona “dance” on RH you have not lived. I hope DWTS does a poll, I would vote her in
Probably because when you're that hammered you don't feel much pain (or worry about the bad outcome of an "accident").
I think he might have a drug problem too.
I know exactly what she’s going through, and anyone who’s ever been involved with an active alcoholic/addict knows, too. It’s like being in a carnival funhouse where everything is distorted, unstable, unpredictable– and dangerous. Yet when you try to explain what’s going on to people outside the relationship, you…
waiting for the ecstasy to wear off, sleeping for a long time, waking up sober, or waiting for responses from his whole team to see what he should do.
I cut my finger off when I was a kid, like sliced it off from the nail up and it was just hanging off to the side by a piece of skin (don’t worry, my parents took me to the hospital right away and they were able to reattach it without any feeling loss). And still, I won’t look at the picture. Like, I have seen my own…
Yeah, that was a lot worse than I expected. Why would you wait 24 hours to see a doctor for that? I realize that’s hardly Johnny Depp’s biggest mistake, but seriously, why?
Agreed. I also wonder if this is the shit she’s going public with, how much worse it probably got. I wish she would take him for everything and ruin him. But then like my grandma always said, wish in one hand spit in the other, see which fills up faster
I swear to god, if ANYONE ELSE calls Heard a: whore/gold digger/opportunistic bitch who deserved it, after this I will fucking LOSE MY MIND.
This is only the tip of the.....oh.
i believe amber to the point that i think amber is going easy on johnny tbh
I’m beginning to think Johnny Depp is a bit of an asshole.
has any gone to Billy Bob Thornton’s web site? it’s fucking great http://www.billybobthornton.net/
who in their right mind want to give kid to Chris Brown???
We are having a sibling. Together.
Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.
Angelina and Jen: We’re in love. And having a baby.