My sweet Melissa McCarthy: Somebody finally styled her right.
My sweet Melissa McCarthy: Somebody finally styled her right.
Did you just diss Kerry's maternity style and then say this is what she would have worn when Jessica Alba looks absolutely terrible and those colors are incredibly unflattering on her?
Damn. Why is there no commentary for this, because damn. DAMN.
It fits! And is a flattering colour! And her makeup is great! IT IS A GOLDEN GLOBES MIRACLE!
I don't really care one way or the other, Hollande is a douche, and Segolene upgraded with the new man she is with.
Hollande and Royal did not divorce as they were never married. The also only separated just before the legislative elections, presumably due to his involvement Trierweiler.
It makes me smile, because the media and the public were such a dick to Segolene.
Yeah, this is actually really, really, really common all over this country.
As long as there are strip clubs, though, pimps are going to force underage girls, and grown women, in them. No, stripping and sex trafficking aren't synonymous, but men getting off on the power to degrade/objectify women is at the root of both.
Good luck, Ke$ha. Fuck whatever demon is haunting you.
Well, this is just Melissa McCarthy giving zero fucks about sports. As a Jezzie, I know darn well that many, if not most, women do care about sports. My sister, for one. OTOH, I get that the stereotype is both annoying and harmful.
Can we stop making it a "thing" that women give zero fucks about sports? I'm a woman and I give a lot of fucks about sports. It gets really old when guys are shocked that I understand football because people keep pushing this "women give zero fucks about sports" as the default, good position. But what do I know, I'm…
Makes perfect scene... Only legal women could get away with illegal things like blow jobs. This place was about paying the ladies very little if anything and keeping all the tip money in exchange for room/broad/ and freedom after the lady no long brought in enough tips to offset R&B and had paid off the cost of…
I'm so glad they were shut down and are under investigation. The sex trafficking of children is abhorrent and needs to be eradicated. Strip clubs are legal businesses and stripping is a job where women who choose it deserve respect and safety at their job. Stripping and sex trafficking should never be seen as…
Probably the same people on Kotaku who go on about how 13 year olds are sexual beings and we need to acknowledge reality.
There is nothing that goes on in any of his clubs that this asshole doesn't know about. He is a fairly notorious scumbag in Miami.
Yes this letter is disgusting and shameful. And I completely agree with your points. This is truly indicative of gleeful fat-shaming and sanctimony that are so prevalent.
Well, this is just plain cool. Following the recent controversy over the extreme lack of a black women at Saturday…
Australia's got its very own pint-sized Khaleesi in 7-year-old Sophie Lester of Queensland, who over Christmas wrote…