
You are on point! That's what I'm talking about! How does a fake corporate manufactured MC help/encourage the artistry? Before Eminem there was Vanilla Ice, Snow... I want my dope white female to be TRUE that's what Hip-Hop is about not race, but celebrating about what is great about YOU. I'm partial to Brooke

Great you took some time to at least research theories that have yet to be proven...

You did not read Gladwell...

What? They are scientists anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, biologists, statisticians and hell the father of the double helix a range of disciplines. Not sure if you read the links they all not only disavowed biological determinism but have published articles pointing out the fallacies in the logic and

You cannot site Wikipedia in an academic or scientific journal.

The racism behind the pseudo science that you are exspousing. You should read before commenting...

Whew! I hope this gets promoted :)

LOL, at the poster calling themselves Sharkeisha... so if this timeline is correct Iggy's not so into Mexicans...

Hot fyah!

As someone who worked during the "platinum age" money didn't destroy hip-hop per se... Corporate monopolies did... Without money you wouldn't have all of the wonderful indy labels that cropped up in the eighties and nineties. Once they started selling out to larger companies i.e. Def Jam, Def Jam/Columbia, Def Jam/

Good luck to you and keep pushing. However I think you are confusing the issue. I don't the poster arguing against the desire, but rather the systemic racism that prefers white artist over black artists - like Mackelmore sweeping the rap catagegories over Kendrick Lamar.

I feel where you're going.. Beyonce is another genre R & B as opposed hypermasculine Hip-Hop where the gate keepers are exclusively male. Also Beyonce and Rhianna have gotten and continue to get plenty of hate over their lyrics in regards to feminist credentials as also evidenced on Jezebel. There was a huge post

She get's blasted cause she suxxx. If she wasn't white or pretty there would be no debate. I'll take Debbie Harry over Iggy. Hocouture makes a good point about disliking her over a very fucked up line (given her long proximity to black people she should have at the very least known better, yes?), however she fails

Yeahh... I think I heard that argument from Chelsea Handler...

It's unscientific to generalize without supporting data.