Good call. I walked out of that film feeling satisfied and respected. Kubrick is somewhere smiling about that film, I’m sure...
Good call. I walked out of that film feeling satisfied and respected. Kubrick is somewhere smiling about that film, I’m sure...
Co-sign. Great fucking movie. I also love it's legit hard sci-fi,when most sci-fi movies these days are action movies with a neat idea in its premise.
You know anytime the mariners are playing I live in absolute fear they’d wind up on dead spin. At least this time it was for winning even if Rodney tried with all his Rodney might to blow the fucking game.
The mariners haven’t been playing the best but they aren’t the A’s...
I do see your point, but I don’t think my claim means that everyone has to be pursuing the same kind of success. When an artist declares that they’re not looking for [X Artist]’s fans, they’re bringing that comparison upon themselves. To put it another way: I would never think to compare Dan Bejar to Taylor Swift,…
That takes me back to the early days of Showtime, when they had Super Dave, Bizarre, Brothers, etc. I feel old now....
Don’t need it, don’t want it. Best thing about this movie series is that the less you know, the better.
I’m disappointed that they didn’t take this opportunity to make the entire Marvel Multiverse black.
Hmmm. I’m supposed to take a 13 year old girl to see it in a few hours.
Your comment is bad and I’m starring it so people can see that it is bad
Romeojuju2002, I like the cut of your jib-berish.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
I hate being “that guy” who says things were so much better back in the day...
“Ban” is a big word ... it’s possible Mayweather doesn’t know what it means.
T shirt superman is really not doing it for me, neither is patlabor rabbit batman.
Yeah. I’m sure he wouldn’t have gotten shot if there wasn’t more “gun control.” Never give up that boogeyman.
I...didn’t think Pikachu smoked. Maybe during breaks? After sex?!
The 1990s were a decade where new characters, gadgets and villains showed up in rapid succession to the Bat-books and something about Breyfogle's art synced so well with the era it was appearing in. His sleek angular linework joined up with an intuitive sense of when to detail something out and when drench it in…
Bill Brasky!