
Wow, Evan. Thanks for covering this. All Star was one of my absolute favorite books growing up and I remember vividly the arc in which Hitler used the Spear of Destiny and some occult weirdness to summon Captain Marvel as his personal soldier, leading to an epic fight against Superman. Such good stuff. They don't make

In my time managing a porn shop, I’ve seen some hilarious movie titles. The only football parody I recall was a gay porn called "Put Me In Coach".

Probably not. Just like if Ray Rice assaulted a man the exact height and weight of his wife, it wouldn’t be treated as a big deal.

This is what I can’t understand about the ANAD strategy. You’d figure they’d take advantage of the popularity of the MCU and the fact that they generate the equivalent of a small nation’s GDP in revenue.

And most of those are cheaper than comics. As is music. And mobile games.

In the 1940s, Captain Marvel was selling 1.3 million copies every two weeks.

If the Pats win another Super Bowl, no fanbase on earth will ever approach that level of insufferable. They’ll actually be more insufferable than “Sixburgh”, despite winning less championships.

This is fucked. I love it.

I will always +1 a Deadwood reference.

As H.L. Mencken once said,

I always wondered why The Anvil laughed like that.

You mean to tell me that all black families do not have the same holiday traditions or come from a single, homogeneous culture? You racist fuck.

And the Twilight Zone is worthless...and Casablanca.

I wasn’t going to go after the atrocious spelling because I figured this person either has a learning disability or English is not their first language. In either case, they come off like a supremely ignorant millennial douche. I actually met a young man not long ago that told me he just could not watch any movie or

Too ancient? Are you incapable of enjoying any sort of entertainment that was made before you were born? I hope you realize there were good stories being told in the ancient 1970s (and even hundreds of years ago). It’s not like Han Solo and Luke are wearing gold chains and bellbottoms.

You don’t know how contractions work, yet I’m the moron.

I’m really not sure if “that’s is” the best I got.

Musilini? Is that some sort of organic granola?

The concept of freedom of speech isn't meant for the popular shit.

It’s relatively short sighted. Superhero comics go in circles and everything ends up in some approximation of where they started or where they’ve been for decades.