
I’m not looking for a budget one. I’d rather spend more for better quality. I was eyeing one up a couple weeks ago that had really good image quality and good reviews for holding up against the weather (about $350 for a dual setup), but then I saw a comparable one, and couldn’t make up my mind.

Something something bad apples something...

It’s like Franklin, but named by a soccer mom.

Also,I googled to find that quote and nearly every news article was reporting on the event as if it were normal. As in, the headlines were “trump Proposes Ways to Improve Care for Kidney Disease and Increase Transplants” (thank you useless NYT and go fuck yourself) and not “President strokes out on stage, babbles

Haynesworth: How long do I have doc?

i hope he survives, and if he does it would be an excellent opporunity for him to partner up with the league for a series of PSAs called “Let’s Stomp Out Kidney Disease Directly On The Head”

There is a story in KC about him being pulled over after a station party. Cops find him drunk with a young coworker, pants at his feet. He gets out of the car with his pants still down, tiny pecker looking like a cocktail weenie in a forest, and berates the cops about how famous he is. His wife subsequently leaves

Other than the number of World Cups won, you can hardly tell them apart.

From: Gordon McKenzie (g.mac@outlook.ca)

Article says

If my co workers were in a salary litigation I wouldn’t comment either. Also, did you consider your status as a blogger for Deadspin probably doesn’t warrant a response?

Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.

Also, anyone who understands taxes knows that a free vacation is not the same as not paying taxes on an amount equal to the cost of the vacation. Even in the 30% tax bracket and no deductions you are effectively still paying for 70% of it. Of course you also have to have enough income to deduct in order to even get

So my friend tried to get me into Amway a few years ago. I did a ton of research and knew it was a scam. I sort of joined without really joining. I only did it to keep an eye on my friend so that she hopefully would not be taken advantage of. What I mean but joining without really joining, I filled out the paperwork

Indeed it does - especially since now the model seems to be “just hang outside a Safeway and people will buy some cookies when they are finished with the rest of their grocery shopping” rather than “ambush them at their front door or their desk at work”

My ex did Pure Romance for a bit. She doesn’t have the personality to succeed in ANY type of MLM, but sex toys probably the least so.

I’m going to assume this doesn’t extend to Girl Scout cookies?

I suspect this is exactly why I have cousins who were or are involved at some level in an MLM - that cult-ure in West Mich is just so rampant.

It shows how lonely the sahp/wahp life is...I read “You have to trap them in a room full of people and serve lots of cheap wine.” and my first thought was “I’d buy anything to be in a room full of people with cheap wine right now.”

And that is why these are such horribly businesses. They get the vulnerable and they

MLMs are such a beautiful metaphor for America right now - I hope they have a nice stand in for the Prince/DeVos clan and their leveraging of the aspirations of tens of thousands of people in their AmWay pyramid. Which in cassic MLM fashion built its first few layers by exploiting the close Western Michigan community