
Well I hate to tell you, but you’re wrong about 311. Onviously they’re still popular enough to consistently sell out shows, release albums and have their own cruise... i just saw them at The House of Blues in Orlando in February where they sold out both nights. Will be seeing them again in July too.

out here on Long Island we still get DOWN, DOWN every summer. Like a mosquito that won’t go away. And I’m a guy who LIKED them.

I have been waiting 25 years to hear Scarlet Begonias on the radio, in either it’s Sublime or Grateful Dead versions.

Here’s to brasky!!!

Agreed on all points and I’m glad to see you bring up RTH as that’s my favorite offering of theirs. Unfortunately I think 60% of the people commenting in here only know of the 96 record and another 20-30% are confused and think this is an article about smashmouth.

What this guy said. I am unable to articulate myself as poignantly, but I agree with everything you said.

Thank you. Sublime is almost a litmus test of whether you really listen to music for the quality of it and not just some superficial assessment of the style.

You’re only allowed to listen to it ironically.

Rarely ever comment, but this one cuts to my core ... so here goes nothing.

As someone who has worked as a music journalist in earnest, the entire industry tends to be a clusterfuck of people far too willing to ape other’s opinions. It’s how you get publications saying bombastic stuff like “The Arcade Fire is the most

Jack Nicholson must be rolling over in his grave.

Whoa there, chief. Why don’t you go check the color of your energy.

This is what I was thinking too. Most rock radio stations I have heard play Sublime daily, and have for the last 15 years as far as I can remember.

In fairness, it would be peak Pitchfork if they ran a glowing review of it 27 years ago and are only now choosing to shit on it

I’m really glad I didn’t learn about Pitchfork’s existence until late in life, they’re like if the New Yorker and “Everything wrong with” videos had a baby in written form.

Pitchfork randomly shitting on an album 27 years later is peak Pitchfork.

So am I allowed to listen to Sublime or not?  The article isn’t clear and I want to make sure I’m legally protected against Pitchfork

Someone spent college in the library. 

Clearly one of these males is just a tad more alpha 

I mean, even if this is true...is that supposed to be a bad thing? Are you mad he’s parlayed it into a career or something; is there something wrong with bringing out the best in other’s and not necessarily being the star of something?

I am not body shaming; I'm expressing genuine concern.