
Not much of a student of the Middle Ages are you?

Drogon recognized that Jon was a Targaryen back in season 7 (before Dany and Jon became a thing). He’s not going to burn a Targaryen.

Not to mention the groaningly obvious “the book this was based on is written in-world” thing ACTUALLY HAPPENED after we joked about it being too stupid last week.

Yeah, didn’t like all the Dothraki and most of the Unsullied die at Winterfell? Dany is living in an RTS game where she can wait a few minutes for her barracks tiles to produce more infantry units.

In 50 years everyone will be in a nursing home muttering, “Bad writing” in a corner facing a wall.

For all the talk of changing the face of fantasy, Game of Thrones resolved the Night King via a dimestore version of the Witch King’s defeat in Lord of the Rings and resolved the Iron Throne question via a dimestore version of Leto II’s ascension in Children of Dune (complete with Mad Queen Regent Alia).

Dragons are at or near human intelligence

How there even any Northmen alive? Think about how many Northmen were slaughtered at Red Wedding, then in Battle of Bastards, then in Battle of Winterfell, then in Sack of King’s Landing, not to mention countless battles fought in between. Who even still left to fight? 

Many of them want to live north of the wall by choice”

The books and the show established over and over that Dany’s Dragons shared more than just an empathetic bond with her, it was almost a telepathic connection where they sensed the same things she sensed. I can easily buy Drogon knowing what the Throne is because of how deeply he understood Dany and her ambitions. 

Also, Sam is still in the Night’s Watch, but apparently he doesn’t have to go back because he’s got a sweet gig as Grand Maester, despite not even being a maester.  And also having a baby on the way, not that we saw Gilly this week.

Does the grass at the end imply winter is over?

I don’t buy for a second that the unsullied and the Dothraki, who have been life and death across the seas battle after battle loyal to Dany would have just shrugged their shoulders at her murder..”eh, the murderer gets to live and his brother will take our Queen’s place as ruler? Ok guys cool beans!”

Yeah, Yara’s support of Dany was contingent on Dany recognizing the Iron Islands as an independent kingdom. What made her drop that demand?

Because D&D want to write for Star Wars and making characters consistent takes too much time.


But seriously, some thoughts:

Fat Mohawk Guy.  I don’t see hitting, but from his body movements it’s clear there’s kicking going on.

The angry short man with the mohawk who voted for Brexit. 

Just another egregious example of how replay is ruining the game. Back in the day, the fan would have been allowed to keep watching uninterrupted.

“Lakers Coaching Search...see also “clusterfuck.””