
And they deserve it damnit!

Jeanie’s goal is to show the world that yes, women can suck at these types of jobs just as much as their half-wit brothers can.

I don’t know if Luke Walton is a good NBA coach but I know that the Lakers don’t know either.

Haven’t you heard? The Lakers will get Kyrie, KD, AD, Shaun Livingston, every other free agent and the #1 pick.

... but if history is any indicator, Allen Iverson could be stepping over him and into consideration.

No one thinks Ty Lue is a particularly good coach. They think he’s a coach who won’t conflict with LeBron’s desire to basically run every aspect of the team.

Do people really believe Ty Lue is a better coach than Walton?

While we’re at it, let’s also stop electing reality TV hosts, comedians, and Hollywood actors to public office

They’re also jarringly minor-seeming reasons to parachute out of what, up until last night anyway, sure as hell seemed like the most glamorous and desirable front-office job in all of American sports.

You seem to have a better grasp than this strangely fawning write-up about Magic’s accomplishments in the Lakers front office.

yes but Magic sucks at the bizness side of basketball. Hell, even his best basketball commentary is stuff like “I like him, he’s got a real feel for the game.”

Keep telling yourself that. You think Pelika could or would have overruled Magic? 

Secondary rule: Don’t hire Kobe’s agent to be GM because he was Kobe’s agent.

Even if you think Magic helped get LeBron to LA - and how big of a part he really played in that can be argued about - it’s probably nothing he could not have done in a figurehead/mascot position where he would not have been empowered to throw money at Michael Goddamn Beasley and the rest of the Doom Patrol.

You’re spot on. LeBron was going to go to the Lakers anyways. The Lakers were stupid to hire him. Anytime that idiot is ever asked his opinion on basketball franchises pre-GM day, he would say: “All the Lakers need to do is sign LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Kawki Leonard, etc.” Like yeah dude, of course any team that

I mean, you’re the guy writing for a sports news website and I’m just an internet commenter avoiding doing actual work on a Wednesday morning, but I get the sense that Magic had literally nothing to do with LeBron getting to the Lakers - LeBron went to the Lakers because it was the best fit for him, his business, his

In my own experience, showing up to work every day and doing absolutely nothing carries its own kind of stress. Self-loathing is no fun.

This looks like it’s taking the ‘origin’ from The Killing Joke which is not necessarily canon, but as close as we have to a real backstory for the Joker. Even then, he’s an incredibly unreliable narrator so we don’t actually know if anything he says is true, or if he even knows what’s real anymore. 

So I never had doubts that Phoenix would bring the right elements to his characterization of the Joker —he’s had plenty moments in his life that allow him to tap into genuine darkness and pathos, unlike Leto and his cloying method acting contrivance— but I had doubts about this movie because I feel it does a