
Uh, did Timofey Mozgov bring guns to the locker room during the term of his contract and ask his own teammate which of them he’d like to be shot with?

All correct. As is the added fact that said teammate is currently in prison for killing a mother of four in a drive-by shooting a few years later.

Now James Dolan can hire Ernie and Bernard King, reviving the Bernie and Ernie show.

There’s also the matter of Arenas, uh, bringing a gun to the locker room to intimidate a teammate who owed him money.

Who wants to start a pool to bet on how long Burneko has had this article written up? Side bet on how he and Thompson agreed on who’d write it (my money is on a cage fight)

My first thought upon seeing this news was, “I should text Albert!”

Jared was nervous that his battery would run down before the interview was over.

What are the odds Pratt has remained celebate since his divorce? Or is this one of those spin off churches that wanted to pick and choose what ridiculous rules to follow?

Why can’t he believe it was real if it was to him?

‘Experimenting with women’ is a gross term. 

Sophie Turner is going to be raked over the coals by so many older liberal gay AND straight ‘woke allies’ for talking about her sexuality like this. The left still isn’t where it needs to be in its treatment of bisexual/pansexual women- especially when you're under 30.

Simply being humiliated on a global scale means he’s fared the best of any man whose been in a long-term relationship with a Kardashian.

I think it’s about as real as a marriage to a Kardashian can be.

And I fucking RAGE HATE all the Black Eyed Peas.

I feel it mostly doesn’t hold up. But that she recorded a pissed off break up song instead of a weepy one was pretty important.

Since he’s a hall of fame coach, he’s just intense. If he was a 3rd year coach with an overall losing record, he’s about to be fired. 

Oh, well, that explains everything.

I've long believed that college basketball coaches are some of the most trash humans out there 

Her parents, presumably at least one being of German ancestry, have a daughter in 1988, before the fall of the Berlin wall, and they name her STASSI?