
Maaaate, it was a beautiful 45m drop punt right through the middle for a goal. Haters are wrong, as usual...

I used to be theater manager for a theater that hosted screening for various guilds and organizations. The group I dreaded seeing the most was Australians in Film. They combined the narcissistic aloofness of the worst Californian stereotype with the brash redneckness of the worst Texan stereotype with the drinking

“until recently I thought of Aussie’s as rather sophisticated”

You’re burying the lede here: was it actually a 20m shank?

The pic is very crotch-centric. In fact it’s the very definition. Her crotch is almost dead centre in the photo above, and actually dimishes the athleticism of the kick.

until recently I thought of Aussie’s as rather sophisticated when in fact they’re MAGAland Down Under. I guess the systematic elimination of their native peoples, along with forcibly taking their children from them (the Stolen Generation) should have been my first clue to that. 

Thanks! I appreciate the information. I do maintain that the quarter rotation of the kicker from the first picture to the second makes a world of difference to a prudish viewer. (Gender too, of course; I don’t want to diminish the sexism at play here.)

I think it’s impossible for people to not suck.

THIS. In Ca, most of the recent cases of child abuse involved the kids being “homeschooled”. I honestly don’t know the answers- the adopted kids were abused, and the most recent stories of missing/murdered abused kids in CA involved the biological parents. Family Reunification is the goal for Children’s services, and

It’s so fucked up. I know we mostly hear/hang on to the horror stories but it seems like the only people allowed to adopt are the shittiest humans on the planet. My SIL was thinking of adopting, but her husband was in the military and home visits were impossible to schedule. My boss fostered the sweetest little boy

Daddy of Five - I believe the kid that got the worst of it was given back to his bio mom but otherwise if I recall correctly the dad got probation I believe and that was it. He is still is posting videos on youtube using his kids just under a new username.

This story reminds me a lot of Jen and Sarah Hart, who were a white lesbian couple that adopted two sets of three black siblings each and paraded the six kids out in public as these progressive viral characters. They (Jen mostly) went to a lot of BLM and Bernie rallies and staged these “heartwarming” moments where

This reminds me of that family ... last year I think? That had their kids taken away because they had a channel where they were constantly “pranking” their children to the point of making them cry...and like “playfully” hitting them on camera? I need to find an update for that family. I hope those kids are long gone

Not only that but was then allowed to homeschool them which makes it far easier for them to be abused.

Well thank heavens Youtube demonetized those videos. Priorities!

Maricopa county really produces some stellar citizens!

When asked why Jurich’s seats weren’t in the athletic director’s location they’ve always been in, Tyra’s response was brief: “Because he’s not the AD anymore.”   I mean, yeah. Stupid fuck. 

The entire college system in America is a complete fraud and scam, not just the athletic department. It was a gigantic waste of time, money, and energy that I will never get back. The FBI should shut them all down for fraud and racketeering just for their inflation of tuition that exceeds even the true rate of

I don’t care enough to look it up, but I would assume that his tenure at Louisville ended at about the same time as his father since it’s also fair to assume that the only reason it began in the first place is nepotism

Just looked up a picture of this chud...I’d bet a $100 he whines about “entitled college snowflakes and their safe spaces.” And yet here he is, in all his glory. Making sure he got the proper all caps and exclamation point in the sponsor’s name on the arena was an extra impressive touch. YUM!