
A guy made a huge, terrible mistake. Does that mean he isn’t an otherwise good person? If someone close to you fucked up royally, would you be so quick to toss them overboard? Sheesh. 

Well there was that whole, doctor-employed-by-the-university-sexually-assaulting-hundreds-of-underage-girls-thing.

I’m sure the family of the people he killed would be satisfied with a PSA about texting and driving.

This. I’m exhausted with people being internet-upset and typing up reasons why their opinion on McCain is more valid than anyone else’s.

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

In the age of Trump, it’s doubtful. What has me astounded are all the Trumpers out there who are actually celebrating that he’s dead. I can’t even wrap my brain around how fucking sick you have to be to take that stance.

And she can do all that while thinking McCain was a decent person.

Are people not allowed to be civil and even kind to whom they disagree with anymore?

I suppose I should have expected this hit piece on McCain from Splinter, but that they couldn’t even wait until the body was cold shows such class.

A lot of people on the left will hate on him, but I respect him. He got pressured into Palin when he wanted Lieberman. Probably the last moderate Republican we’ll see during our lifetime and people are cheering.

Oh, I am not giving him a pass on everything, I just respect what he did back then.

I guess that’s one of few cultures she was missing to steal something from.

Really? I’m a Millennial and all it did was make me roll my eyes.

Soooo are we not supposed to say that Tran’s character was trash and her acting was trash? How is that racist or misogynist if I don’t mention skin color or gender?

Yes! It does undermine it! Asia Argento has used countless people. She is not like countless other Weinstein accusers. She was in a five year relationship with him. Can abuse take place in or precipitate a relationship? Yes, of course. But it makes the claims more dubious.

By your logic we shouldnt trust this Jimmy Bennett as anything more than extortion right? Except in both cases the claims were heavily vetted by the media you disparage and Weinstein is actually facing criminal charges because she wasnt the only one to speak up.

You’re right to an extent, but MeToo isn’t just the accusers and victims who have given voice to their abuse and it isn’t just the accused and abusers. It’s the internet mob and the coverage they eventually birthed in mainstream publications. What this does for that group is demand that “victims” not go unvetted as

Trump reminds me of a pathological liar I used to work with.

those “insults” sound like they were Google translated from the original Bulgarian

hoping to finish a song with Grimes for her upcoming sophomore album” - Grimes has like five albums?