
The GOP isn’t afraid of her. They LOVE her because they can use her for their scaremongering tactics to rile up their own base. The people who are scared shitless are the Democrats. 

The dem establishment is a lot more scared of her than the republicans are because she’s poised to upend the proverbial apple cart. Republicans aren’t worried because folks who voted for her would never have voted for them anyway, but to the old guard that was responsible for sandbagging Bernie she poses a serious

Considering the current Republican president is the most ignorant person to have ever held the office, Republicans don’t have much to stand on in terms of criticizing Democrats for being ignorant. 

I read the medical report on Hitler 40 years ago that had been written in the late 30's / early 40's and it detailed that Hitler had one very shrunken testicle and an unusually tiny penis. I’ve always believed that this is the reason behind hate crimes, serial killings and all misogyny. Oh, and unfortunately, also the

Maybe it’s just me, but in this kind of scenario - some dude shows up at a bar I’m in spewing racist garbage, gets kicked out and then fires a shot at the building - my next move is not going out there to have a talk with the guy when he’s attempting to drive away.

I’m assuming they didn’t know he was carrying? It’s not like most bars pat you down or anything before you go in.

“Civilians do not generally wear camouflage” -- written by someone who has never been to a Wal-Mart in the Midwestern/Southern U.S.

Van Jones called it a White-lash! I never had too many problems with Obama, or what he was trying to do, but there was one thing I was very nervous about - the backlash, to the rest of us, for electing him. I knew it was coming. I knew those tea-partiers, and other troglodytes, were gonna make us pay, and pay hard,

Her Dad is home battling brain cancer and Trump still insults him at every campaign rally. No reasonable person would ever have a good word to say about someone who constantly keeps attacking their cancer stricken Father.

What I don’t get is how she can defend Trump after the shot he said about her dad? My dad, like Sen McCain, is sick and nearing the end. Looking back I don’t think he (my dad) was a great man but a good one who made some mistakes. But if someone said the crap about him like Trump said about her dad, that person would

More projection from the right, as the only “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is among people who support that shitstack.

People watch the Super Bowl for the commercials, I watch the Tour for the HD sweeping vistas of rural France and its mountains and little villages that are like ten houses and a HUGE gothic church. My only problem with doping is it might make the stages go faster and give me less of my landscape porn.

Unlike football, where it’s totally normal for high school students to weigh 320 pounds and benchpress trucks.

In “that” sport or all sports? Because it will be undeniably cute as fuck if you think the vast majority of NBA, MLB and NFL players arent doping.

“Were you intimate recently? Do you have a partner?” one of the associates asked carefully.

None of my actor friends are making money in their restaurants, so it’s impossible making money in the restaurant industry’. s/

I found the problem. This is babysitter money, not professional daycare interactive service money.

Were they supposed to change the stadium name and have a bid for a new sponsor overnight?

And now we wait for the white smoke to rise from the pizza oven, indicating the selection of the new Papa John

If you are born into a wealthy family or have millions to start with, it’s really hard *not* to make tons of money. She seems to have beat the curve, but in the end, if she’d been born into an average family with a 50K a year household income, she would not be where she is today. If Donald Trump had just put the money