
They never recognize how much it helps to have that net under you. George W. Bush or Trump can go bankrupt time after time because daddy or daddy’s friends will be there to bail them out. If you or I fail we’re on the streets. That puts a limit on the old entrepreneurial spirit. 

Exactly! I have a low level famous family member who grew up upper middle class in a 2 parent, 3 homes (2 were vacation properties) + nanny household with all the toys and extra curricular activities that comes with. Parents who helped him invest in rental property and flipping at 22 and has been on tv for years in my

Forbes has embarrassed themselves a lot of the last few years. They pretty much are paid by PR flacks to put rich kids on their covers.

oh god, everything about this woman was made by someone else: Face, tits, ass, image, reputation.

Thank you. I thought something was very off about this article, but it’s already been spread around that Kylie’s a near billionaire. Hype. Also, Forbes gets things wrong: Like when the credited Jared Kushner’s technodigital mad skillz to get Trump elected. (Spoiler: He did not, he has no computer skills, and we

If she started a cosmetics company and it DIDN’T takeoff in some respect, I’d be shocked. Her mother is a savvy businesswoman who basically managed to turn just her own existence and the existence of her children into a money making machine. She has several siblings involved in the fashion and beauty world. Being

Isn’t it funny how Step #1 in all of these success stories is to be born to wealthy parents? You’d almost think that was an advantage or something. 

The idea that this girl is “self-made” is insulting. Fuck that.

Didn’t see that second ref coming in for the spear did they. now I can only see it in slow motion set to “Wrecking Ball.”

WTF kind of atmosphere has to be in place to have random people ogling wrestlers in showers and saunas and masturbating?  I mean this sounds like a 1970’s San Francisco undercound club more than a college athletic facility.  Crazy.

Weren’t those tasers?  They looked a little bulky for pistols, and that grey thing on the end looked like the cap that blows off when it deploys.

She’s got the figure for them, which is surprising given the drug habit I assume she has  

That had to be the clearest CCTV I’ve ever seen - from multiple angles, too!

This guy would have been dead 12 different times if this happened in Florida.

Let’s not overlook how both of them tried to ditch the other at the first chance they got. He shoved her into the cop initially and tried to run out the door; she moonwalked right past him being arrested to attempt her Spider-Man gambit. 

This is a stupid comment.

Yes, and the most likely outcome of “Sweden beats Mexico 3-0 while Germany plays South Korea” is that Germany beats South Korea, resulting in Mexico losing the three-team tiebreaker and getting bounced from the group stage, because the first tiebreaker is goal difference, not head-to-head. They were lucky to avoid

Sweden are not a fast team. Marcus Berg and Ola Toivonen are not going to destroy you with pace and you can pressure Sweden’s passers. But look how much space Mexico concedes right in front of goal! This was easy for Sweden.

It’s still dumb, but don’t manipulate quotes. It’s bad journalism and it’s what makes people distrust mainstream media (besides the Russians). Like, you should definitely leave in the part “While “Toupee-Wearing Ball of Spite” may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other

You changed the quote slightly and it comes out completely different: