
I feel like this post really buried the lead, which is HOW GOOD THE ORIGINAL WITCHES IS. I remember Anjelica Huston equally awe-inspiring and terrifying my little second grade goth lesbian brain, and also that I loved this movie specifically cause the only male character was a mouse.

The “retard” “inbred” “oven cleaner” parts of your post are super eye-roll worthy, but I do agree that just because someone was a bigger piece of shit than you when they were alive, doesn’t mean you’re not a piece of shit for being actively happy they died (especially when it’s a 20 year old who was murdered.)

“someone who did something bad to a woman deserves x worse to happen to him”

I absolutely agree with you, but don’t forget the one thing that trumps (groan) any and all political and ideological values: Money.

Eastern Cali is ‘any place in Cali more than 10 miles from the Pacific.’

You’ve hit the nail on its head, and this deployment of manufactured persecution complex has been Trump’s one real skill. He’s been masterfully employing the persecution myth (regarding both himself and his cultists) for two years. He whines about voter fraud and “Democratic cheating” (as if he’d lost the election);

That’s a good point -- and in fact, that may be precisely the mistake Mr Markle made, taking carefully neutral statements and applying them to whatever he wanted.

Counterpoint: Recreational pot is legal in 1oo% of the Best Coast, and stoned neo-Confederates aren’t as bad as neo-Confederates on bath salts and Oxy.

Also he’s been bred from birth to be a diplomat and not express strong opinions on anything even a little controversial. Yes, I’ve seen the infamous nazi-photo but I don’t think he ever actually agreed with nazi ideology, it was just teenage edginess. He’s an adult now and knows how to carry himself

Your ‘Superior Coast’ has Florida. ‘Nuff said.

Even if he fully supported Trump and/or Brexit there is literally no way in hell I believe Harry would talk about it with a man he barely knows, I don’t care who that man’s daughter is. Not happening...not today, not tomorrow, not ever and anyone “reporting” on it should know that too. It’s too bad that this man

I feel like there have been multiple questions about the whole skin-to-skin thing lately which is very confusing to me. Like, do people really not know that skin-to-skin contact is suggested for babies? I have nieces and nephews, but no children of my own and I’ve known this for years. And if I hadn’t already known,

STOP USING TWITTER YOU FUCKING MORONS. It’s a breeding ground for bullshit.

There is no chance that Harry is a Trump or Brexit supporter. If anything, it was Meghan’s dad misinterpreting Harry following the family line of not making statements about politics.

Neither Washington State’s president or athletic director responded to Deadspin’s request for comment.

I’m unclear on why exactly that’s classist. Maldives isn’t a cheap destination, which means that these “influencers” are potentially requesting thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars worth of services for free.

I am pretty sure that IS what it means. Classist as fuck? The woman is trying to run a goddam business, which is what all these so-called ‘influencers’ should be trying to do.

It’s expensive to run a fucking hotel you dumbass nitwit.

The desire to live through someone else in an alternate reality

Pete and Ariana seem like nice kids so I hope if (when) shit goes south it isn’t too rough for them.