
Search engine optimization. His death, which everyone will be Googling, the words “who is,” which everyone will be Googling, and something no one else will have, because it is irrelevant.

Ughhhhhh go away


I can only think the headlines would show up as top results in web searches, driving clicks?

Are you always this tiresome? Sizeist? Give us all a break.

Not an American, but the sister of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands was found dead in her apartment. She was only 33. :(

I immediately thought about that episode too, which was one of my very favorites. It came at such a crucial time, and it was like this little beacon of hope. Anthony’s style of interviewing - which was really just a warm, honest, conversation over good food, brought out the best in Obama. He was such a talent, and

You know, usually I would slap myself upside the head for being a conspiracy theorist...but I hope they check his death out thoroughly. I mean, Weinstein went to terrifying lengths to shut people up before - ex-Mossad agents and all - and Bourdain was one of Asia’s major supporters when she came forward.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

I don’t want to out anyone, but I’m guessing that person’s name is “Bryan”.

You should not be amazed by this.

It’s called the infinity loop argument, clearly you’re dealing with a master of rhetoric in all its forms. I suggest first familiarizing yourself with “MAC” addresses, then the Mid American Conference, and finally the aforementioned loop. Educate yourself bro... sheesh, you’re welcome.

It’s a normal relationship, find a new slant.

I think folks should have a basic understanding that everything you do on a given mobile device can be tracked back to that device unless you’re a fairly sophisticated user. You can encrypt the contents of your message, of course, but if you’re putting it on Twitter that doesn’t exactly apply.

I don’t buy this story for a second. So we’re going to believe he had one burner account, never used it, meanwhile his wife was going HAM on 4 different burners, using extremely inside information? Middle of the season? Her husband was just relaying a constant feed of news when he’d get home?

Yeah who doesn’t know about the Mid-American Confernce...idiots

I want to believe the dude is nice caring person that got caught up in some bad shit in his youth, but I also doubt doubt a billionaire heir who sought him out based on the novelty of a meme is a good judge of character.

Announces birth most people weren’t even thinking about...asks for people to “respect their privacy.” Sigh...

Is claiming someone knelt for the flag really defamation of character?

This is bad on so many levels. Anyone with half a brain know for a fact not a single Eagles player knelt during the anthem. Not. A. Single. One. Yet this organization uses a player (in this case, Zach Ertz) praying and transposed it to fit the narrative; which is ironic considering Fox’s targeted demographic are