
If you have something to offer this president (like publicity), he will use it and give you nothing in return.

Seriously. Where are all the “Kim’s so great for helping! She’s a pretty celebrity! He respects money and good looks! At least she tried!” people now?

Anyone who has ever left a meeting with 45 has evidenced surety that it went according to their lights. Only to be radically disappointed, later.

is lil tay short for elizabeth taylor the same way bobby flay is short for robert flavor and elon musk is elongated muskrat?

I can’t fault anyone for what they believe - Becca Kufrin

aubrey hasn’t been one ever. they are from different planets.

Well, I guess it depends on if you think charts reflect quality as opposed to mass appeal. Don’t forget, Nicki had to go pop to get her success, and fortunately for her, for a while there were few who could challenge her in her attempt to straddle the fence of pop and rap.

Man shut the fuck up Uncle Tom. What you a real connoisseur of “real rap” stupid bitch? Fuck outta here, I enjoy good music I don’t care if it’s a hit or not. Drake is 100x more successful than Push can ever hope to be. No Drake isn’t my favorite rapper, he’s pop and he’s good at owning the game. I never said one

This is the 8th article on the Root about this feud. They have written zero articles about the 4500 dead Puerto Ricans. Do the math.

Co signed for all of that except I don’t think Renee was a spy! She was there as a stand in for the audience to understand what its like to be unable to trust the people around you. Just my two cents.

If anyone’s on Twitter, Matthew tweeted the sweetest thank you to the fans and signed it “Matthew & Keri”.

apparently you dont have a job cuz youre out here on a fucking burner and all over this thread sucking drakes dick sooooooo ionno what else to say but dont choke

What’s interesting is he isn’t getting (and hasn’t gotten) nearly the same ire that Markle got over very little information at first (a basic ass article on her “lifestyle blog”) and then a lot of information (her mother is Black girl magic and she made her wedding Black as hell in a white ass country). Yet here we

Agreed 100%. Why he is so loved is beyond me. His delivery is awful. He acts way too “hood” for someone that is from the upper middleclass in Canada and was on fucking Degrassi.

Yeah, the whitest thing he did there was indeed announcing that “he has a black friend.” Not even regular Black, but Africa Black. He just couldn’t help throwing that little reference in there could he.

its because drake is used to winning rap beefs on social media. trying to do that to a straight up drug dealing street dude who does not give a fuck is just not gonna fly. its like a professional wrestler getting into a boxing or mma ring.

It’s okay, because some of his best friends are black.

Drake has always been a bitch. I mean someone has to say it and I guess that person is me today.

Yo... I feel like my mind has been read. I posted this earlier: