
My wife encountered this as well when flying to the Bahamas. The airlines will require a birth certificate if the minor child has a different last name. That’s the rule.

Then Southwest’s policy (which apparently isn’t followed 98% of the time) is wrong. A birth certificate is required to get a passport. Imagine a security policy that values a Facebook photo over a passport. #ZuckerbergGetsErect

Birth certificates have no identifying properties with them. No picture, thumb prints, etc. An issued US passport trumps all ID.

They ask for birth certificates because most people don’t have passports for their one year olds. But a federally issued ID should be treated as just as valid as a birth certificate.

45 convincing folks that he, a native New Yorker billionaire (allegedly) born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who touts his Ivy League education every chance he gets, who famously straight up doesn’t pay the “little guy” workers he employs and who literally lived in a golden tower, is the voice of the working class

Yeah, I get that, but in many ways, he’s all the things they claim they hate about “elites”.

Projection. They can see whatever they want to see in a person so long as they hate the same things. I mean, Trump actually joined them in their disdain for “East coast elites” when he’s the epitome of one.

I remain baffled how a very rich white woman with a long career in Hollywood can be mistaken for the voice of working class. Seems to me she is exactly the rich, elitist, hyper-privileged white woman she is.

For a long time, I thought that PFTCommenter was Magary.

You’re emblematic of why Deadspin is trash now

I read Deadspin pretty much every day. I occasionally read some of Barstool as well, because sometimes they have random stuff I can read or check out if bored at work and I’ve already run through the usual sites I read. I’m not sure what this article is trying to accomplish.

PFT has already written a response. I’m shocked at how quickly he’s responded.

So you’re that guy! “I’m that one white dude who is not like all the other ‘white males’, hence my woke comment. Can I get my star now, please?”

Y’all know you’re Deadspin, right?

You sound like the angry ex girlfriend of Barstool sports

while you’re doxxing former Deadspin commenters can you tell me what Iron Mike Gallego’s real name is, i need to ask him what rolex goes best with my porsche

I think you mean Foodspin contributor, Eric Sollenberger

Just seems like you’re mad at PFT for having shitty friends. And it comes across as pretty much just a personal gripe at the end. I think Barstool sucks and almost everyone that writes there is an idiot but why’s PFT responsible for all the shitty things that have ever been done there. Wouldn’t hold all the ridiculous

I’ve been reading more of Barstool lately.

This is why I wish sex work and sex workers weren’t so stigmatized. I’ve long thought sex work needs to be legal, regulated, unionized, and taxed.