
Let it stay over 78° for a few days and these bored ass Iola-types from “Mama’s Family” ain’t got shit to do except for be nosy and call the cops on Black people. At least they had hydrocodone and pyramid schemes to keep them busy.

I bet she is already on the phone to the department to complain about sending a black female cop and about how “those people” all stick together.

Omg, this, fucking this is what is needed from cops, people minding their own business and shutting the fuck up. I am glad they told that fucking lady what is what, people are tired of that shit and need to make them shut ins so they never come out of their caves again.

Within the past decade, the customer service at Home Depot has plummet.

I worked at a small town Ace Hardware in high school, college, and a few years in between/around that time of my life. (Progress isn’t linear!)

Let me just say that, as an ex-employee, there is literally no guarantee that the old man being yelled at didn’t start it.

Then again, my experience in the orange box convinced me that “good” customer service needs to go away for a few years, just so the entitled people will screw off and learn how to shop online.

I’ve never had a helpful interaction at a Home Depot.

Same one I go to!

Home Depot is one of those stores that I actually steel myself (puns!) before I even go in the door.

Not just a troll. A dumb troll. Rampant corruption istead of the #MAGA nonsese he was promised, and the best he can come up with is “But Obama...”

Hey, I’m okay with that angle. Tell us more! Tell us when people do it. Tell us the amounts of money involved. Tell us which politicians are involved and which ones left the room with a smile on their faces before the actual money talk happened. Tell us every time it happens.

No, you misunderstand my point and maybe i wasnt clear. I mean the K-street elite class are comfortable and safe and rich regardless of who the president is.

God I can’t stand this. Their response is that corruption is the norm and we should get used to it. ‘Oh this is just how it is. What are you upset well that’s just how it is.’ Seriously? That’s how they want to play this?

omg yes. I spent nearly six years working as staff with Higher Ed administration and they are abominable. This story doesn’t surprise me at all.

They have people skills. They deal with the goddamned customers.

This is clearly on Duke and not the coffee shop, because here is the next paragraph after what is quoted above:

If you ask someone who works in higher ed administration to explain what they actually do in their position, they’ll start sputtering and spouting gibberish like Tom Smykowski.

Sounds more like a classic college administrator power trip. I don’t think it’s particularly objectionable to not want the uncensored lyrics of “get paid” to be playing in a coffee shop, but it is absolutely ridiculous to then go and fire the employees after they immediately turned the song off. That reeks of school

I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.

It feels like he was angry about having his little white bubble pierced by the culture of the black people whose city surrounds Duke. Never mind that Duke would not exist at all without the labor of African Americans.