
The only thing I have to add is, there’s no way this kid is in a school. She’s “homeschooled”.

eh, attractive white woman probably supersedes white male in privilege.

When John Skipper said there was too much white in his life, he was talking about drugs.

This is like that ridiculous speech Taylor Swift gave at the Grammys about all the adversity she overcame to get where she is, speaking as a white, born rich, attractive person. The only privilege box she doesn’t check is “male”, otherwise she hit the privilege jackpot.

Will she admit she was hired because she is white and considered attractive, or is that too inconvenient to her persecution narrative?

Yeah, except if you’d actually read the story you’d know that these people are Canadian.

Oh! they have been lowered for a long time, just look at 99% of music and his wife and her family. We’ve made them billionaires and let them influence an entire generation. Our standards are in the fkn toilet and have been for a very long time.

Don’t use mental health as a scapegoat for Kanye acting a fool.

I don’t think Kanye considers himself part of any larger group. To do that, he’d need empathy and the ability for abstract thought.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

A real mid (inning) life crisis.

you havent made a single, clearly constructed sentence which outlines what it is exactly the you feel Farrow did. We all get the Weinstein part.. what did Farrow do? Just slow down, think about it for a sec if you have to.... now use words to describe the specific “thing” farrow did. Be specific. Use your words.

you are insane

Did you capitalize Trumpet because you associate me with the Tangerine, or because I resemble a brass instrument? Nobody understands what you’re saying, and you’re likely some lunatic troll crawled out of the greys because someone starred someone who sounded like they might be an ally. You’re a looney.

If it’s even remotely negative about Clinton or could just be read that way by Clinton Derangement Syndrome patients, it leads. That’s the new Splinter motto, apparently.

No. You were not clear. And I understand perfectly what you’re saying, even though you’re tapdancing like Fred-Fucking-Astaire. You are saying that you think that Farrow should not have reported on Weinstein because he has money. Money that he gives to Democrats. Therefore Farrow is somehow complicit in Trump because,

What in the holy blue bananas are you on about?

What Weinstein allegedly did was not ok.

What did Ronan Farrow do that was “not ok” in your estimation?