
Hoo-boy, check out a Philly electoral map of 2016 when you get the chance. Pretty much all of South Philly, from South Street to the stadiums, and huge swatches of the Northeast are as red as any flyover state that looks at Fox & Friends like it’s PB-fucking-S.

The guy is 93 years old and has had multiple strokes. Not an unusual look for someone in his condition.

Guy’s mom bit it. Even the worst serial killers get some sort of “aww” when that happens.

Rick Rubio sounds like a porn name, and Richard Rubio sounds like a serial killer.

We get it, W committed a lot of awful crimes when he was POTUS, but he’s never going to answer for it and he hasn’t been President for 10 years now.

Was in conversation w/Uber driver the other day. He was African-American & big Trump supporter. He talked about how ‘God’ put Trump in the White House to save our country from evil & the upcoming apocalypse. Also, he added, many important & powerful people would be jailed in upcoming weeks on corruption charges,

Maybe because more people have a sense of decency, morality and manners than you. Know how, when and what should be said at a given time. You and they obviously don’t. Or as my friend would say, “Some folks just dont know when to STFU”. You know, like you and Roger Stone.

As has been the tradition in the past, current first lady Melania Trump attended on behalf of the White House, even sitting next to former President Barack Obama during services at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Houston. (And smiling about it!)

“That’s because it shows decency, tolerance, honor, respect, and former presidents and first ladies of both parties coming together to pay tribute...”

He’s Rick Rubio now. Maybe even Richard Rubio.

Salty Russ pretending he’s gonna not hunt steals and actually stick to his man next game is a fun little charade.

“Hey, we’re taking a photo to capture the significance of the moment. Four former presidents along with four first ladies. Could you back up?”

She thinks using the word nigger is bad? Awesome. But her cultually appropriated speech is just as insulting.

You’ve probably never been to Louisiana then, huh? That’s how it geauxs down there...pretty common. The more you kneaux!

Have you see CashMes eagle talons tho? I might be scared too.

I read it somewhere here on Jezebel, but apparently Jimmy Fallon breaking character became kind of a problem with SNL. When he realized he could get laughs for it, he started doing it all the time. Apparently, it was particularly annoying to Tina Fey because he couldn’t ever finish a damn skit, and made everything run

Right? Because he’s a Jimmy Fallon. Craig Ferguson was great. He was so weird and special and made everything seem so fun.

Now playing

Fallon did just have a great segment with Cardi B last week–oh wait, that was because his other guest did most of the interviewing. 

Jimmy Fallon laughs at his own jokes. That should be an unforgivable offence for a comedian. I remember when he was doing the news on SNL with Tina Fey. She was a total professional, and he was giggling like a 14-year-old when their crush walks by, so annoying!