
At least something positive came out of it: Chaffetz is GONE!!!! HAHAHA!!!

I noted this above, but I think it’s important to remember that Comey is not the one who leaked his letter to the press. Chaffetz did. Comey’s mistake was thinking he could write a letter to the ingelligence committee and expect the republicans to keep it confidential. Chaffetz was also the one who completely

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic. My butt has gotten bigger solely from squats and lunges and living in a five floor walk-up for three years and its enough for me to struggle with clothing fitting properly.

There’s a bit of irony in people thinking “ghetto” belongs to the black community.

as a former chemical enthusiast, I can say his eyes looked like he had been “hitting the slopes” for the past 36 hours.

Nice sarcasm to avoid actually admitting that you did, in fact, utterly butcher the story YOU CHOSE to make some your point (such as it was).

He looks like Emperor Palpatine

Dag you missed the entire point of the scorpion story. The scorpion stings the frog when they are halfway across the river. The frogs turns to the scorpion and says “Why would you do that, now we both going to drown “, the scorpion shrugs and says “Its just my nature”. The point is the frog foolishly believed the

Yeah, in fact one of the reasons the frog decides to trust the scorpion because he points out that since the frog is carrying him, he’d drown if he tried to pull anything.

I think that speaks more to the intelligence of their dates. Being a government employee isn’t “working for Trump”.

It’s a fucking shame that career civil servants are experiencing backlash for staying in and doing their jobs. Almost any political appointee is fair game for that sort of criticism. But most career civil servants have served, and will serve, presidents of both parties. They don’t choose their president, the American

You’re a fucking moron. Did you get that in context? If they are repeating, verbatim, the lyrics that a black person used, they are literally using the same context the artist did. Fuck off.

So, uh, is there a reason why you’re assuming that John SUNG is white?

So wait, you say people can’t sing along to a song because it contains a word they can’t say because they are a different color? That’s not racist? Sounds like banning a word for everyone is the solution.

Kay’s aborted fetus

“ I’m your older brother Ivanka and I was stepped over! … It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!

When did feminism start to mean you had to love every woman and never ever say “Gurl, what happened to your face?” without having to take a feminism purity test? Cuz I’m old as fuck and there’s plenty of women I don’t like. Can I still has feminism or is my card revoked?

No, the guy was arrested, started through the legal system, and then had the charged dismissed due to a plea deal (and, in all liklihood, a refusal to testify by the girlfriend).

Somewhere in a Montana ice fishing hut, Jeff Fisher chugs another Coors Banquet, oblivious of (QB) developments in the outside world.