
But don’t you dare tell me what my reality is.

I watched Skins on Hulu back in 2011 when it still had a free option. I was pretending to be sober while renting a room in a severely disabled woman’s house in East Nashville. I had a shitty restaurant job, no car, very little money, even fewer friends, and would soon be homeless when my landlord died unexpectedly. I

I’ve always wondered if back about ten years ago all the dudes were on steroids. There were so many rage-filled fights.

I think Trashelle became an escort.

The franchise you’re talking about is finished, so there is no way she can fall back on it. The Oscar was undeserved for a part that she was grotesquely miscast in and handed out to create JLaw superstar, the new female rainmaker in Hollywood. That seems to backfire now, since she can’t put butts in seats with her

I’m no lip reader, but I thought Clarkson was angrier about Saric’s very soft mustache.

So a team would get mad about this, but nobody says anything when James Harden commits a crossover hate crime on a defender? This is sounding like the unwritten rules of baseball.

That would mean not reading the dirt bag. Personally, the people to blame for this shit is Ray j and his video camera, and sexual predator Ryan seacrest for bringing this horrible scourge of herpes into the fold. Most of all, I blame o.j. Simpson. If he never killed Nicole, the Kardashian clan would just be a clan of

What would it take to never hear about the Kartashians and their friends and their offspring and their boyfriends and their husbands and their makeup and hair people, ever again? For real, a natural disaster? I think a natural disaster, because they’re so shameless that nothing in their ‘personal’ lives could ever be

As somebody who had met him (for a brief time if he didn’t know my name, he knew my face) I can tell you not to mourn anything. He is a very well behaved boy, but he cannot be in charge of the things we let him attempt. He can’t. I’m telling you, I’ve met him in a boardroom. I’m smarter than him. I am not smart enough

A guy doing work here at my house today said Charles Kushner stiffed him $20k on a contractor job. He was also stiffed by Trump.

And yet Trump supporters believe that the Clintons and Obama ruined America with deceit and corruption. No amount of evidence can sway them either.

But a spokesman from Apollo assured the paper to, “Trust the process.”

There is a school of historical thinking that Julius Caesar borrowed so much money, his creditors had no choice but to continue elevating him into higher and higher political stratospheres so that he would be able to repay their enormous loans.

To be fair, the Kushner loan is in keeping with Harris’s record of investing in mediocre franchises.

What is the Trump Administration if not a collection of second round picks and undrafted free agents?

My money was on Hicks being the person Omarosa meant when she said on

Maybe “winning” is Russian for “oppression”?

I think they are fine. Trump just said what he said because he knows the Dem leadership is gullible enough to believe him and the Pubs still won’t do shit. He makes himself look good while still doing nothing.

Only one thing left to do... get Barron an interim security clearance and put him in charge of White House communications and the Middle East stat!