
That gives them an amazing pool of candidates for the next spin-off, tho.

hashtagging a high school one week after a massive school shooting could be interpreted a couple different ways.

Can it, nerd.

No, fuck that. Little truth time. I was savagely bullied from about 1st grade through Highschool. Small school, and it was one kid for 8 years that made every day of my life hell, but nothing ever happened to him because his daddy donated an entire fucking wing to the elementary school. I was undersized and had/have

I think I’ve found his next broadcast partner!!

Oh yes. It’s a best kept secret. We’re not actually polite, we are extremely passive aggressive. Sorry about that.

Wha——-? You frauds! My entire worldview is up-ended.

Now playing

I don’t know if they’re currently getting it on (mostly because part of me can’t believe that two people who are boning could maintain that level of sexual tension during their performance). However, watch the first 35 seconds of this 2016 video of them playing the Newlywed Game. They’re asked who is most likely to

Whether they are or they aren’t is sort of secondary to the fact that the perception that they might be adds a spark of passion and intensity to their routines that the brother/sister combos, no matter how technically excellent they may be, aren’t going to have.

Pence: Mother, did you see Virtue and Moir.

I think they fuck from time to time but they probably consider a relationship to be too time consuming. (Even though they spend all their time together anyway. They probably don’t feel like doing “dates” or whatever)

Maybe they just love each other like brother and sister? Like that nice Lannister family.

I have no use for Laura Ingraham, but Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, and Ingraham is Catholic. She could stand to be a better person, and maybe even a better Catholic, but I’m not going to bust on her for wearing ashes on Ash Wednesday.

“Is Pope Francis a paid agent of the Obama-Soros Conspiracy, installed in the Church to turn our children into transgendered Benghazi lesbian antifa supersoldiers? Find out tonight on Laura Ingraham Didn’t Take Her Brainworm Meds.”

Honestly expected her to say “Shut up and dribble, n****rs”

there are a lot of reasonable american catholics out there, like the one’s who decided to leave the church for good.

Which is also hilarious to me, because all of the frothing-at-the-mouth evangelicals that make up the majority of the “Christian right” don’t even believe that Catholics are “real” Christians and that they are going to hell because they aren’t “saved.” But, since she was being racists and affirming their own bigotry,

Last night, during her show Laura Ingraham Would Like To Speak To A Manager,

Steve Kerr and Gregg Poppovich have gone after Trump way more in the past months, but she goes after the black athletes and not the white coaches? I wonder why