
Jessica Simpson’s chastity was also widely side-eyed at the time. It was always rumored she was of the “back door = still a Virgin” variety.

What if he didn’t do any of it or it was all out of context to embarass him in an effort to force a settlement over what was mainly a wage dispute? You know like how tons of lawsuits are?

nah fuck off i’m not on your side either

if he fucking got a job at taco bell after this you’d be blasting taco bell trying to get them fired from that job too


do you just want the death penalty for everyone thats ever done something wrong?

ok so snowboarding is only for perfect people who have never done anything wrong ever got it

I agree with what you wrote, but I have a serious question: are people in his position afraid of doing something like that for legal reasons? Would a public admission of guilt in this case open him up to another lawsuit of some kind, or violate terms of the settlement that was made?

because it wasn’t relevant to the situation, because it feels like a gotcha type of shit where they’re trying to catch people off guard, because it was settled privately and he wants to keep it private, because it’s in the past and as far as you know he’s already made up for it or maybe he hasn’t who knows

i mean,

Would that REALLY have pleased anyone? Be honest.

because social media has made us entitled little assholes, myself included, and we expect to be pandered to for the dopamine hit.

how do you know he hadn’t done that privately with the person in question

wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or

Oh yes. In the last year or so I’ve started a fantastic post-grad school job, my long term relationship is going great, my partner finished his doctorate, I’m getting along great with my parents and have an amazing group of friends. I’ve been doing yoga every day and taking my vitamins. I eat dark leafy greens and

You know, I appreciate the suggestion, but I’m more interested in just taking a little edge off- not ruin my life.

Sometimes things that don’t kill you don’t really make you stronger. In fact they frequently make you weaker, damaged and slightly more trepidatious.

It is almost as if about 40% of the country is suffering from delusions, and the rest deep dark depression. Maybe less than 1% is happy.

I can just barely remember a 2 week period back in the aughts when I liked OAR.

Carrying on the fine Russian tradition of doing well at the Olympics only when no one else shows up.

a bizarre advertisement for liberal white America’s best intentions

The corruption of our youth by Canadians will not stop unless we halt this ice-dancing filth in its track. What’s next? They pause in the middle of their seductive dance to hand out leaflets on the need for a universal health-care system?

You need better friends. Either they are too stupid to follow it, or they lied to you.