
Sadly, I think he might be slipping mentally. A couple of the things he said sound pretty suss. The JFK theory is one that’s made the rounds for decades, but he appears to be telling it as though he ‘knows’ it to be true from inside knowledge, which I highly doubt. The Ringo anecdote sounds wildly unlikely for a lot

Ringo was British cute, not American cute. I watch a good amount of BBC shows and their standard of attractiveness for men and women still makes no sense to me at all.

please.....................the National Enquirer, of all places, published millions of articles in the ‘70s on how Giancana and JFK shared Judith Exner contemporaneously..................

...............not sure I would describe Ringo as “cute”................

Elon Musk keeps trying to get me to go to Burning Man. No thank you.

You’re not wrong, but also Stern is like a secret agent sometimes. Stern can get dirtbags to tell him things they would NEVER talk about with anyone else. Hence the audio above. Thank you, Howard Stern.

Howard, for all his flaws, has always called out assholes like Tarantino for their horrible comments about minors.

You are, of course, right. I just object to the automatic view that everyone from Mexico is “of color,” ignoring the history of that place and thus exonerating the colonization process.

He’s not a Spaniard, he is Mexican. He is from Mexico, and is proud of being a Mexican film director. My family, as well as most of the general population has Spaniard blood thanks to the war, destruction, and general genocide committed against the indigenous people by the Spanish. Does colorism exist? Yes. Is it

del Toro is also white. White Hispanic, but white. I don’t like it when we turn Spaniards into people of color, because in Mexico there is a HUGE stratification between whites and everyone else.

These people are gross, but when you normalize casual sex, don’t act surprised when men try to maximize their rate of said sex.

Bitcoin is 10x worse than Crossfit at its peak regarding random people trying to talk to you about it. If you have a random feeling about a person probably being a douche, there is a 100% chance they will ask you what altcoins you have bought lately.

It’s very hard for people who are lucky to believe that their good fortune is the result of anything but their own superior cleverness. Couple that with the intrinsic arrogance of a 19-year-old boy, and you get this.

What is it with Bitcoin millionaires being so insufferable? Maybe it’s that they know it’s not real money unless people invest real dollars. Once it happens they can all sell and be real rather than virtual millionaires.

I don’t think you can just ignore the well earned reputation Boston sports fans have as a contributing factor to what their local sports radio is.

At this point, it’s less “is my school’s Athletic Department scummy?” and more “just how scummy is my school’s Athletic Department?”

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

“For all you know she has gotten a bunch of other stuff for free and just didn’t review it.”

I think you’re confusing studies about one thing with people who make money sponsoring mostly garbage on social media. How often do you see negative reviews on Instagram with some sort of sponsored hashtag? It just doesn’t work like that. No one will make money if they post a picture of them self with a product

As an old™ I have earned my right to tell her to shut up.