
I gave up on Black Mirror after the Prime Minister of the UK fucked a pig on live television. Way too much like Love Actually for my liking....

Saying so much without saying much #backhand

I’ve heard tales that there’s a peninsula in Europe almost entirely filled with white people with names like Martinez (the rest I think are Brazilians or some shit). Makes you think

Geez. This is an extremely long article that really does not say much. A professor I once had would have labeled this as an “inflated essay”

Well, that was a lot of words to say.......I have no idea.

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

“There’s so many more things going on at the university than just this Nassar thing.”

What I don’t understand is why the ones with the deep pockets are so supportive of Simon.

Maybe the fact that they only spent 10 minutes considering the fallout of the largest sex abuse scandal in sports history is the reason why there needs to be a change in leadership.

They only thing I can think is that they are sending a message. That we don’t get to tell them when someone who works for them needs to be replaced. In their eyes, MSU is their house, bought and paid for, and they decide what goes on inside of it.

“There were so many on-time train arrivals to discuss at the meeting, we only had ten minutes to talk about this gas chamber thing.”

I don’t know how much more ashamed of my university I can be. Every day it gets worse.

The Spartans were never known for their empathy.

No one said the perfect victim exists. I understand all of that, we all make mistakes and those mistakes shouldn’t necessarily instantly discredit you, but her statements on twitter (a public forum) could be directly connected to the claim that she made. You’re telling me that if you had a friend who admitted to lying

I don’t know what he did or didn’t do—I can’t make a call on that. But I object to this “no second chance for you!” mindset. People can and do change, if they are committed to it. Even some violent criminals have been reformed. Why not Franco*?

No, the OP implied doubt, you inferred that OP was stating that the accuser must be lying, big difference. And yes, you should be careful what you tweet or state publicly because those words can be used against you down the road. There are consequences for what you attach to your name, one of those consequences might

You’re the only one saying that she “must be lying”, the commenter above simply put public info back into the discussion. Not sure what planet we’re on here, but to normal people when someone admits to lying callously (and does so publicly), and says they plot to destroy people’s lives (and does so publicly), then

that’s not what they (and we) are saying, though. they’re NOT giving men like james franco and aziz and louis c.k. a pass because they’re not weinstein.

Taking a class called “sex scenes” by master thespian James Franco strikes me as just maybe possibly a tiny bit like someone choosing to strip (at a conventional establishment) then asking the owner for an apology because he/she felt exploited. Which is not to say he/she was not legimitately exploited, but just, well