
I hate to say this...but I see an X-Files “home” situation here. If the oldest child is 29, and the mother is 49, and there is a 2 year old child, I’m betting the 2 year old didn’t come from the 47 year old being pregnant. 

Records show that David Allen Turpin had received state approval to operate a private school out of his home

The most obvious similar play to this is the Flacco-Jacoby Jones-Rahim Moore play in Denver, but at least on that play, it’s easy to see where Moore screwed up (misjudging how far Flacco could actually throw the ball). This, I have no idea, other than that he panicked in the moment.

those saints fans are the best fans. period. i will give them that honor. I can guarantee you i would be mad at williams if i were a saints fan. heck, i still cringe every time i remember billy cundiff. but those fans, well done.

The only people who truly love Williams are his family and Vikings fans

I am sure you have been spending a lot of time speaking on the “Gish Gallop” recently.

So, I teach Rhet/Comp (argumentative logic in a written capacity) at the college level, and have for the last twelve years.

The level of obfuscation, dissemblance, and general reliance on logical fallacies that this administration continues to engage in is absolutely flabbergasting. I’m no political pundit, but I do

I’ve never heard of Deneuve being a “notable asshole”. I know this is the internet and it’s easy to pull things out of one’s ass, but c’mon now.

I’m sorry, no. Brigitte Macron is given shit by everyone in France. Nobody sees their relationship as dreamy.

Sadly, I can’t afford Tragically Hip tickets. I’m not made of loonies!

“We got nothing to complain about, pretty good life.”

How much can you respect a guy that dressed like an idiot, made a fortune asking softball questions as a sideline reporter, and ditched his wife and family to start a new family with a Bulls cheerleader? Turns out leukemia is only a partial treatment for being an asshole. See also, John McCain.

If you read twitter they have an issue with their stepmother.

More likely totally whipped (and I hesitate to say that, because the implications bother my little feminist heart, but I do think under the circumstances the 2nd wife was driving that train).

Men, we need to take responsibility for our actions BEFORE we die so that things like this don’t happen. That’s why I just sat my wife and children down on the couch and told them that when Daddy leaves their mother in a few years for a piece of hot young blond ass, there is NO WAY I will leave them out of my will.

This really makes me lose so much respect I once had for Sager. I know this is a personal/family matter, but it’s still super messed up.

Exactly. Damned if you, damned if you don’t...nothing had changed and nothing will.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

It depends if there’s a blanket with your baby there.

I can understand that, from the players’ perspective, they only know directly how he’s treated them and can still care about the guy even knowing that he’s treated others unfairly. It’s okay to be conflicted and feel sad about him leaving while being happy that he’s getting justice for the way he’s treated women. But