
Not to take anything away from their undefeated season, but I bet the college pundits would take notice if UCF didn’t litter their schedule with such high profile programs like Austin Peay, FIU, Temple, Connecticut and the Waukesha County Technical College School of Cosmetology.

The kind who isn’t a big name and likes steady work.

I liked him in Somewhere. (Although I thought the real surprise in that movie was Chris Pontius.)

Too many now a days forget that humans are capable of changing.

^^ THIS ^^

I was waiting for the internet feminists and other wokes who are always like “YAS Cher’s twitter is the best” to find this. Does this mean they have also discovered “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” and her initial reaction to her trans son? She wasn’t initially woke which means we burn her at the stake!

How about the one told by a certain “genius” who said the human body is a battery and has a finite amount of energy, and when you spend that energy by exercising, you shorten your life?

The amount of people who think that someone doing a service for you means you can treat them like garbage is fucking astounding.

That PB slice “hack” reminds me of those P.J. Squares from the early 2000s.

You know, it was really nice of you guys to not just populate this series with whoever was playing QB for the Denver Broncos last week.

He is so stupid! And by that I mean dumb. As in lacking of intelligence. Half-witted, if I may. Moronic, if you will.

At least he didn’t kneel for the national anthem. That is what is really important. This, or any of the other stuff is okay.

That guy is giving a bad name to rapist quarterbacks.

Don’t worry, the Tallahassee PD investigated and said everything checked out.

I’ve checked your posts. You should not be allowed on the Internet.

I’m not familiar with your American footed ball, but is there anything in this young man’s background that suggests emotional instability and poor impulse control?

He’s like my min pin who is a big tough guy, pulling against his leash, until he actually gets loose and cowers gently until I pick him up.

This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.

I’m starting to think that all that talk of Jameis being a mature and stable man might not have been true, guys.