
Fucking agreed. I dated a woman who owned a salon. She totally bought into the bullshit the franchise extolled. She smelled like Earth and I swear one of the bars of soap she used was liquid tree bark.

Given that these phrases seem to be beaten by upper class white mom’s who have a full-time nanny but whose lives are still “so stressful,” I don’t buy that it helps your brain. If it did, these idiots would realize how good they had it.

Defensive drills, too.

They both convey extremely useful concepts, but the anything even remotely new agey has a miniscule half-life in its decay from “hmm interesting what does that mean” to “oh god shut the fuck up already”

Good for Melo.

Phil Jackson is full of shit with all that Zen and mindfulness crap. He’s a fucking mercenary garbage human who owes his career as an NBA coach to coincidence and three guys.

I remember seeing the Albany Poltroons when he coached them. He relied on Walt The Stalt Williams, on of the best to ever play in

“Mindfulness” and “Being Present” are two of the most annoying words/phrases in the English language.

“only to find Anthony’s head tilted back, eyes still shut, seemingly snoozing”

He kinda looks the same back holding the WS trophy seven years ago as he does now. From 2010;

I agree. I think we are so overmedicated it isn’t funny. Of course there are people who truly need antidepressants because of a chemical imbalance. I get that. But everyone I know is on anti anxiety medicine. Yet they still drink 4 cups of coffee a day. Like guys, not for nothing but caffeine is a cause of anxiety.

I disliked this film when I saw it on Saturday. Now, with some time to reflect, I’m really hating it. Who was Snoke? Fuck you, it doesn’t matter. Who’re Rey’s parents? Screw off, it’s irrelevant. Here’s some wacky hijinks at an interstellar casino, suck it up and enjoy that, you dipshit Star Wars fan.

In France, where they are actively trying to raise the birth rate, women get months and months of paid maternity leave, everybody gets health care, and every woman who gives birth gets free and included pelvic floor rehab. Oh, and maternity hospitals in France are like spas, and they don’t kick you out after 26 hours.

Have babies!

But don’t have babies if you can’t afford to have babies!

We can’t afford for you not to have babies!

I’ll tell Paul Ryan the same thing I tell my parents and all their noisy friends: you want me to have babies, create an environment where having and raising a child doesn’t cost an entire adult person’s salary and I’ll think about it.

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

Eh, as a minority, I can tell you there is a difference. I’m going to botch this so, so badly, but the big thing is that, politically, white people, in theory, benefit from conservative policies. This is why it’s sort of acceptable for a white man to be conservative and not be called a bad, racially-charged name for

It’s amazing how Ajit and Dinesh align themselves with people who will be more than happy to throw them out when the time comes for them.

Though I really like @Rooo sez HOLIDAZE’s “ladder-puller” comment, Professional-Class East Indians are about as conservative and classist a group of people as you’d care to meet. To them, they have the position because they have the education, and they have the education because they have the superior breeding to

These terms can be pretty misleading, I think. For example, pick an African-American and a Caucasian-American person from the population. There will be a sizeable likelihood that they both are against marriage equality, opposed to abortion, and believe in the value of hard work and individual responsibility. It’s

yeah cause hillary clinton dabbing wasn’t cringy. it’s not “conservatives,” it’s shitty, sleazy, lying politicians.

“I have no memory of that, that was at least 7,000 Big Macs ago”