
I’m guessing that (could be) exactly the case. I have a niece who could arguably say her first language is Spanish. Her mom had to go back to work when she was 6 weeks old and she was cared for 7am-6pm by a woman who spoke to her in Spanish until she was old enough to go to school. Her Spanish was fluent (for a 5 year

To one of your points, it’s great that you have always voted, but there has been very little change in the percentage of young people who have voted over the decades. When 18 year olds got the vote, people between 18-24 had a turnout rate in the low 20s, recently they’ve been voting at about 20%, so there hasn’t been

I know someone who worked for him for many years. She says he’s absolutely legit the nicest person. 

The VP of the US, Mike Pence to start with.

Yep, I remember them getting more and more depressing (for me). I was definitely all about Jo as a child and then remember feeling deflated? defeated? when she got married, etc. I had actually forgotten that Amy got an art education and maybe pursued it. 

Biden has run for the nomination a few times and never won. 

A large portion of the population don’t follow politics at all. They base their vote (or poll) on a name they recognize. At the moment, his name has the most recognition. That can change as the primary season grinds on and more of them get their name and policies out there.

I think you may have converted me with your argument. I might have to re-read it with a new eye (I also haven’t read it since pre-teen days). I vaguely remember thinking/feeling that Amy was being manipulative within societies constructs rather than bravely rebellious like Jo, but really, which one was more likely to

That doesn’t mean that the human race would have gone extinct had rape and war not existed- which is what he said and is false. 

I did not know about the trolling! I love/hate her for it. I remember being PISSED that she married that middle aged dude. I could have gotten over Laurie pretty easily, but the old dude was a killer to my pre-teen self. 

I’m so sorry for your loss and so happy that you’re where you are now. Your’s was a really kind and supportive post- it’s nice to read someone reaching out so sincerely.

He’s a classic boom and bust economy creator. They should know about the bust that is coming. 

JFC. Thumbs up and toothy grin for the orphan!

Officially, you do need to be making quite a bit to afford a $1m home, but I think mortgage writers are up to their old tricks of inflating incomes or allowing people to self report without checking. I wouldn’t be surprised if 0 down ARM loans aren’t back as well. Prices have gone up so fast, that a lot of people are

I remember reading about the guy who shot up UC Santa Barbara. His parents had seemingly tried everything for years and that was the result. I’m not saying therapy is not good and can’t be effective, just that parents can be on the ball and proactive and it might not work. And of course, once he turned 18, they

Adding: 25 years ago I lived near San Jose, CA. I knew a couple of real estate agents who started to refuse to take on out of state clients. Why? Because these clients had all gotten ‘dream’ jobs in the Silicon Valley paying say, $75,000-$100,000 a year and moved there with their families. Then they burst into tears

How ‘rich’ you are is totally dependent on the cost of living. Some places are far more expensive than others, so someone who is ‘rich’ in one locale, can be just scraping by or even poor in another- like Los Angeles or San Francisco. That’s just reality. I know it blows people’s mind how much Angelenos spend on

It appears it can be spelled either way- it may be like color/colour

I’m not sticking up for her. I’m sticking up for the renters and the other people who live on that street. People are claiming that the woman (and neighbors) who complained are ‘classic’ entitled rich snobs and I’m stating that there is no real evidence of that. You’d pay that for a single house (not duplex) or rental

Airbnb is a piece of the answer to that, which is, in part, why so many cities are outlawing them- they take a huge chunk of rentals off the market and therefore prices go up.