
Yep. Airbnb is a part (though not the whole) of that evolution. 

It means wealthy and stylish. Some houses in Manhattan Beach are very nice and some very wealthy people live there. They’ve generally knocked down the earlier house and built on every square inch of land they have. Other areas are quite middle class or very dated (like this place). This house is quite close to the

Many airbnbs don’t let you use the garage and people often show up to throw parties in areas like that (near the beach)- hence a lot of parking issues. 

Sorry, you’re right, I transposed the numbers. 

Yeah, it pretty much means that people there are spending every dime they have to get into the real estate market. Rent is expensive in LA, paying a lot of rent doesn’t mean you’re rich, it generally means you’re poor (after paying rent). 

Yep, shit is expensive as hell in LA. That’s why even if you’re making ‘good’ money, you’re not ‘rich.’ Look at that piece of shit for $1.25 million (although a duplex)? - you think that’s how ‘rich’ people live?

Honestly, look at the house and the neighborhood (39th St. next to the oil refinery). It’s mostly apts and old 70s houses. They live adjacent to the wealthier part of Manhattan Beach, as do the people in Lawndale. 

Which is likely why she got turned in for using it as an AirBNB (minus the dogs). 

Look at the house we are talking about. Look at the apt. buildings around it. Note the oil refinery one block away. Beach property in CA is always expensive, but this is some of the cheapest around- this is not the area the entitled rich live in. Address: 128 39th St. Manhattan Beach, CA.

It’s on 39th st. next to the oil refinery. Not exactly where the entitled rich live.

This is not the ‘tony’ part of Manhattan Beach, though it’s still fairly expensive because of its location. It’s 1 block from a massive oil refinery and is mostly 70s apt. buildings. The address is 128 39th st. for those who want to see how the ‘rich’ live. 

It’s not really that tony. Look at the house in question. It’s next to the beach, so it’s expensive, but the houses are often old and narrow like the one pictured. Parking is also a complete nightmare there on all the little narrow streets- which was likely one of the problems with making it an Airbnb.

Eh, it would suck to have your neighbor clearly do something to piss you off and try and make you unhappy. That is the clear intent here- lashes and a zippered mouth. 

Not inspirational at all. Kidd sounds like a real bitch. She did something she knew good and well was illegal and then got all pissy when her neighbors called her on it. AirBnB houses can be a real nightmare for neighborhoods and have sent rents into the stratosphere. They were well within their rights to get her to

I was so proud and now recognize the smallness of my identification capabilities.

Attack of the Sideshow Bob Clones. (What the hell is that in those vases?)

Mansa Musa made a pretty good run at that in the 1300s. 

It probably should, but that’s not what the production company decided on. He kept it in his trailer and only one person seems to have had a problem with that- maybe that should have been enough, but that’s not the decision that was made. On set work is a bit different from normal jobs- if he’s there up to 18 hours a

USC is in a pretty bad neighborhood. I wouldn’t do a lot of walking around there, so you need a car. A supermarket on campus, or very, very near it, makes sense. 

NYT is running a story in which Brennan says 8chan should be shut down. I wonder if he has the power to do that or if his backer is the one in control.