
All Rom/coms? There are some delightful ones: Bringing up Baby, My Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Clueless, My Man Godfrey, Bull Durham, The Lady Eve, It Happened One Night. Harold and Maude and Roman Holiday are great ones that don’t fit the formula.

That was my thought. There are thousands of movies which show a relationship not working out (most of the most famous films of all time in fact)- but the vast majority of them aren’t comedies, because it’s hard to make that movie work. You have to have two appealing people who have enough zing together that they make

Like an conspiracies these books will be full of outright lies, half/spun truths, and a complete absence of conflicting evidence, so that the credulous will think there’s a ‘there’ there. There isn’t, all of these things are the same, they just lie and omit all real evidence to make a case. He is publishing lies and

Hopefully someone in a more fragile state of mind wouldn’t read a story that is clearly about suicide and a person convicted of sending texts that encouraged that suicide, then enter the comments and still be shocked to hear about suicide. 

Not really a point of contention, just a baseless conspiracy theory. John Wilkes Booth was famous before the murder with copious photographs of him available. His corpse was identified by multiple people who knew him- they identified his face, a tattoo, and a scar at least. He was carrying multiple personal mementos

Many of those flameouts were caused by injuries, not just emotional issues. Growing bodies often get long term injuries if they play any sport too hard. I’d take those five other tournaments, but wait a year or so at least to turn pro. 

I’m assuming they retrieved and tested them. 

I read something that said the 911 call included the info that the paramedics couldn’t retrieve the arm, so yeah, I think it was already gone, or nearly so. 

True and true.

He sent it to his buddies- and apparently none of them did jack shit about it. A bunch of good kids from good families, I’m sure. 

My very first thought too. Every time some judge comes out with this, I just know that they’re over-relating and rationalizing like mad. As his written words are career suicide and he’d have to know it, it would take some serious subconscious shit to force you to write all the out.

The white women who voted, voted for Trump by a slim majority (47% to 45*)- white men on the other hand voted for Trump at 62% vs 32% for Clinton.

At VASTLY different rates. Murders, assaults, rapes, robberies, etc., etc. are all committed nearly solely by men.

Putting aside how the fanfic writing teen makes people feel seen, it seems pretty troublesome that the show then had her become a camgirl for male affirmation and then used real people’s names and images to perpetuate a rumor/conspiracy that they felt ‘hounded’ by for years. I can’t imagine how having images of me

I read the story about this yesterday here and though it wasn’t really to the point of that article, I found it pretty awful that they used two actual people who, according that story, had been ‘hounded’ with this for years. The story also mentioned that the fanfic writing teenage character becomes a cam girl,

But it was likely done to humiliate. 

Clearly,  you have never spent an evening sitting on pearl encrusted netting- not that comfortable. 

I sincerely hope so, but 2016 was a body blow. Too many Americans love spectacle, racism and misogyny.

This is the top comment. 

Those are good too. It all just really depends on body type imo. I wear those sometimes, but since my butt and thigh are larger in ratio to my waist, they do cut in. Good for skirts, but they show in pants that are even slightly tailored. Thongs work best for me unless I’m wearing a skirt that might blow around or is