
I hear you sister! Thongs stay in place and so are comfortable. If other people find full coverage more comfortable, they should just rock on too. End of story, no need to make it political or a feminist issue. (And yes, I think it 100% has to do with the hip to but ratio as to which works for you.)

Apparently almost all mens clothing is made of better fabric than women’s clothes. Crazy. 

yep, I don’t know why more people don’t get this. Full coverage underwear are made to fit one body type, if your hip to butt ratio is greater than that, you get wedgies- so you’re basically wearing a very uncomfortable thong until you can get someplace to pull it all out (again and again). Thongs stay in place.

How? and why? I think it’s all based on body type. If your butt to hip ratio is greater than average, every single goddamn pair of underwear with a back either gives you the four butts mentioned above (which is unsightly and uncomfortable) or migrates into your crack anyway. I’d rather have one very slim piece of

Oh absolutely. All the other cases I remember were charging the woman with something she directly did (took a drug, attempted suicide). In this case they are charging her for what someone ELSE did which they argue was a result of her actions. Way, way down the slippery slope.

Hillary tried to stay presidential and not get into the muck with him. I don’t know how anyone fights him if a large percentage of the public loves his WWW style antics and tantrums. If a nominee joins him, it turns off all the actual functioning adults, but staying above it might not work either- hence the comment. 

Hillary tried that...

Here’s another one from the same article: Gibbs became pregnant aged 15, but lost the baby in December 2006 in a stillbirth when she was 36 weeks into the pregnancy. When prosecutors discovered that she had a cocaine habit – though there is no evidence that drug abuse had anything to do with the baby’s death – they

If there’s a lot of outcry about how much Warren in particular, or the women on stage in general, spoke, it’s probably indicative of studies I’ve read that find that men feel like women are ‘everywhere’ and ‘in the majority’ and talk more than anyone else as soon as we tip over 30% of attendance at something or 30% of

I want to say Arkansas. I did a quick internet search, but don’t have time to find the article again right now. I’m 99% sure it The Telegraph. It outlined several cases of women who are in or are facing prison for miscarriages, suicide attempts, or drugs in their system on delivery (with no harm to the baby). One was

They already have come for women like that. I for sure remember a (white) woman who was jailed for having drugs (prescription?) in her system when she delivered. The baby was fine, but they prosecuted her. She’s not the only person in that situation. 

It’s a common expression not to be taken literally. It’s fine, go out and do your best to get the monarchy to step down just think through the ramifications carefully. It’s a reasonable argument to make, but don’t expect them to leave without any of those ill-gotten gains or at least to drag it through the courts for

Oh, I’m sorry, was my very rational comment ‘hysterical?’ 66 million subjects are also living off of ill-gotten gains of hundreds of years of empire. Are you ready to move out of your house and get a (different) job in reparation? You may not like the job, but they do have jobs which the majority of British people

That’s true of just about everyone wealthy or with ‘family’ land/businesses. Many, many people have profited on the sins of their ancestors and will continue to do so. If we want to eat the rich, fine, but recognize it almost never goes the way we think it’s going to. See: French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc,

As the piece points out- the money is, in a sense, theirs. It sounds as though they have essentially leased royal lands to the government in exchange for a percentage of the profits. Since this is formally re-approved with each new monarch, it sounds like they have a legal leg to stand on up into fairly recent times.

People aren’t going to the UK in hopes of catching an actual glimpse of the royals (unless they are showing up to actual royal events). The royal family and the media surrounding them keep the UK in the public mind (at least Americans) and make them want to go see the country/castles, etc and holiday in a country with

That really stood out to me. You didn’t ‘have time’ to get the ORIGINAL police report into a 20 year project?

I have a friend who got laid off just after he hit 50. He had been at the same, highly skilled job for 20 years. He had glowing recommendations from his industry leading company and was the absolute last person they laid off as they wanted to keep him so much. And it took him over two years to find another job- but he

I am so, so sorry for your situation. Please call a hotline or seek help some other way. You do have value, don’t lose sight of yourself. I’m guessing that you didn’t read this article and think that all those teachers have no value because the system isn’t recognizing it. Please talk to someone.