
Most people who are working at the college/university level don’t take education courses- those are for people in k-12 for public schools. Profs are teaching classes like accounting or physics that they majored in.

$60k a year isn’t that much depending on where you live. That’s also pre-tax. My old school district pays that after about 5 years- but it’s in L.A. and rent is huge there. People with the same level of education make more than $60k after a few years at a job, and often right out of school.

I think the money is going to bloated and very well-paid administrations and to building projects (climbing walls, etc). There’s also a supply and demand problem. Way too many people being encouraged to go into academia. I’m surprised anyone in the last 10 years or so has gotten into a Master’s program (let alone Phd)

Reading through the comments, I hope we all notice that most women do have issues with the Pill contrary to the author’s assertion. Issues they’ve generally dealt with by trying different combinations, but issues all the same. It’s not imaginary that the Pill affects our bodies and moods (sometimes for the better,

I am not a doctor, but I relate to wanting to carve my uterus (or even all my organs and part of my spine) out with a spoon. The only thing that has ever worked for me (and it works beautifully) is pure naporsen/naproxen (over the counter). Midol, etc have it in it but don’t work for me. I take 2 of those at the first

I’d say it’s complicated. I did stop reading the books because of the number of rapes, and how central the threat of sexual violence became to the story. I do think the author is problematic on that point. On the other hand, I believe I see what she was trying to do. She upends romantic fantasies about the past (which

It makes sense to me. They live together four days a week and he lives at his house the three days a week he has his kids which means less upending of their lives when they got married. Lots of married people only spend that much time together or even less: firefighters, soldiers, people who travel for work. 

I literally got halfway through reading and went back up to the top to start again as I thought, ‘surely I’m missing the satire here, right?’ Sadly, the answer was no on the second reading too. 

His life outside the movies is clearly pretty political/socially oriented. You’re getting a true glimpse of how his mind works, but you mostly just want PR posts of pets etc. No one has an obligation to only reveal to you what you most want to see. 

OMG, he doesn’t just sing to the choir? He responds to the thread of the most powerful person in the world’s account that might actually be read by people who follow Trump. The horror.

You make good points. My complete reading between the lines, is that the dog bit someone (fact) and he continued to bring the dog to set (although reportedly on a leash and kept in his trailer after the bite) and she still had a problem with it. He was probably a complacent dick about it (as some dog owners are) and

I literally had a, WTF is with that name?, conversation about this a week ago and didn’t look it up after- so thank you.

uh, yeah, no. He’s probably made mistakes as we all have (I’ll agree on the homophobia one), but he’s a public person with a powerful social/cultural presence whose career and paycheck is based on public appeal and he’s willing to call out controversial shit as he sees it and is on point 99% of the time. If we had

Yeah, it was a crazy story and as far as I remember, he didn’t go on a huge PR tour on the basis of it- the first I heard was from the kid’s mom. I looked it up and there is an interview but he barely mentions some significant details other than to say that it was Pam Dawber (his wife) who deserved the credit as she

Too late to edit, I should have said that the reason I mentioned it was a friend of my sister’s wasn’t a sad attempt at 6 degrees, just that since I heard the story from the kid’s mom, I knew it wasn’t dramatically blown up for PR purposes. (And I totally realize that he can have done that brave thing and also be a

He pulled the kid of a friend of my sister’s out of a burning car (at considerable danger to himself), so I’ve always had a soft spot for him.

This seems like a strange story. She writes about multiple physical assaults, but Vanity Fair has an article that claims ‘her people’ then clarified that she wasn’t referring to on set or at work? The one ‘assault’ that is clarified was on a crew member who was playing with Harmon’s dog and was bitten. While it’s not

Well, we’ve failed spectacularly to show them the differences so far. Remember the millions of people who loudly proclaimed that there was no real difference between Hillary and Trump? They haven’t changed their minds by and large. The fact that the mainstream democratic party has done almost nothing for the last

You may be right about apathetic people, but there is a sizable chunk of the population who isn’t apathetic, but do feel that ‘the democrats an the republicans are exactly the same,’ and so vote for third party candidates in protest. In my opinion, we can’t afford to do that right now and getting those people to

We aren’t trying to get the votes of conservatives. We never, ever will. They are 100% lost. We are trying to hold onto the votes of the all the disillusioned and disgusted people who don’t vote at all or vote for third party candidates because they believe there is no difference between the dems and reps. Not