
But it will also energize ALL of the people who have lost all hope in anyone in politics acting at all ethically, even at risk of a future election. The mass of people who don’t vote because they see no real difference between the reps and dems will only have that belief confirmed if the dems don’t even bother to try

The show that spawned this show. And the result of that guest starring would likely be more audience than for any other episode of the show to date. She deserves more because she would have made more for them than anyone else they could have brought on to the show. 

Why do you think she would have done less work? She was being brought back in her old role for three episodes, do you think she would have had three minutes of screen time in those episodes? Clearly they would have revolved around her and Baranski. 

They were asking her to do three episodes and as she was the star of the show this one spun off from; I’m guessing she’d have had equal screen time to Baranski. Why shouldn’t she be paid what she was paid per episode for the show that spawned this one for doing equal work on this one? They were certainly planning on

But she wouldn’t have been a normal ‘guest star-’ usually someone no one has ever heard of and  is unrelated to the show. She would have been the star of the show that led to this spin off returning for a ‘special event’ three show arc that they would have advertised the hell out of based solely on the star of The

If you’re a 33 year old famous person, ‘dating’ a clear teenager- who is also a famous person- you’d know how old they were. And you’d be creep for trying to date an 18 year old at 33. 

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“But there are other, more dire repercussions of granting personhood to fetuses: If fetuses are humans for the purposes of Georgia law, then abortion, including self-termination, is murder. A woman who plans and carries out the termination of her own fetus has “caused the death of another human being” in violation of

I am so sorry. It’s awful. 

These people do not consider IUDs and some forms of birth control from preventing conception- those are the ones they’re after right now. 

I believe the Georgia bill also criminalizes women leaving the state to obtain abortions. 

Yep! My older brother kept me up late to watch it. I must have been about 10 and it was the first time I’d seen Bowie or Nomi. Mind blown basically. It was certainly memorable! 

I’m two years older than you, but I remember him from his association with Bowie. He was so unique that if you did become aware of him you notice people ‘doing’ him pretty instantly. 

My achilles hurts in pancake flat shoes. 

OMG, I didn’t put that together. I’m feeling very naive all of a sudden because, of course. 

Just a PSA- It’s now being recommended that people who got the single shot between 1963 and 1968 go in to get tested and/or get at least a booster. A friend born in 65 just got tested and he needed both shots. As I’ll be in LA next week, I’m going in to get a booster to be on the safe side. I thought I was protected,

The first measles vaccine is administered at 12-15 months, the second somewhere between 4 and 6 years- the first one gives lesser immunity than you get once you have the second. There are a few other vaccines that are administered later- up to the teen years.

The thing that makes me (more) enraged is that I am certain that the vast majority of people who vote on all these anti-abortion moves know in the back of their minds that if ‘they’ need it, it has always been available to middle class and above people who can afford it. Worst case they go to another country, more

The center square is a freebie in bingo, right? That one must say, “unqualified” as that’s what they ALL have in common. 

I’m so sorry and glad you didn’t move in with him.