
It’s made for those who’d spend $1500 for this balenciaga hoodie and not feel shame.

Man, the simplistic “supply and demand” answer annoys me. Especially because it is the exact wrong conclusion.

These hunks of shit can’t survive a car wash, isn’t this common knowledge by now?

As currently implemented, daytime running lamps turn on lights on the front of the car, and not on the rear. The problem is that the selection ALSO lights up the dashboard - just as if your night time lights were operating. As a result, and especially during the winter, almost every night I run up on vehicles which

But what if you need to speed away from something?  I mean, you never know when you need to escape some Proud Boy.

...yet governments can’t mandate automatic headlights AND TAIL LIGHTS that turn on when it gets dark.

Agree that it should be a % over. 10 over in a 20 zone is terribly dangerous.

Just one more nail in the nearly infinite number sealing the coffin of my desire to ever buy another new car. I actually am not against speed limiters, but just make it so the damned car won’t go any faster, not make an annoying racket. 85mph would be plenty.

Hot take. The US best bet to combat the “evil threat of BYD” is to subsidize Kia and Hyundai vehicles. American manufacturers simply are not innovative enough to generate demand.

Chrysler needs to get on board ASAP. They had the first PHEV van and could’ve been the first to have an EV, but nope. I don’t understand why they’re so ashamed of their van heritage and keep chasing Dodge/Challenger customers. 

If you go more than 300 miles a day on your commute than an EV is not for you. The average american drives less than 40 miles a day so a vehicle that does 300 seems pretty awesome. Not every car needs to fit the needs of every person.

Expensive, and late to the game, but this will be the car of the decade. Forget SUVs, an electric van is what people really want, and kudos to VW for nailing the brief.

I saw a yellow one being photographed in a Santa Monica car park photoshoot in September 2017, and it’s still not on the roads here.

Can’t wait to find out how these damage a Cybertruck, cause there has gotta be a way. Right?

While you may be nervous about buying a Mitsubishi”

Throw in a loud, pneumatically enhanced West Palm trophy wife and it’s a trifecta.

I think it is an under-appreciated blessing that Elon and his cult members have given us is that in such divided and divisive times, we can unite to hate on and laugh at CT owners.

So he axes the very team that gives his company its currently biggest advantage?  Boy I wish they had a PR dept to explain this one, because in the world of head-scratchers, this is the biggest.

The scary thing is that he actually thinks that way.  When he took over Twitter, one of his first cost-saving measures was to simply stop paying rent on all the company’s office spaces.

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.