
You’re comparing a brand new model against two that have been on the market for years.  OK.  Let’s check in next year.

Hyundai, to me, is just about to exit that sweet spot of sneaky great value, where you got a lot of value because of the bad connotations with the brand. Great base options that are pricey add-ons for comparable cars from other brands.

Masking is still a good idea!

LOL. 15 years ago if someone told me I’d own an EV and drive a hyundai (and volvos), I’d probably beat them red white and blue with an american flag/flagpole... last year we got ourselves an Ioniq EV. its been quite a fantastic little car. as for the flag... idk what to think about that flag anymore.

My wife has a Kia Niro EV and our service experience has been laughable.

1st Gear: Even though I’m a fan of Tesla, I like the new Ioniq 5 and EV6. We need more variety when it comes to BEVs.

I test drove an Ioniq 5. I loved it. It fixes alot of the issues I have with tesla. Stuff like: HUD, driver cluster, nicer interior, better looks. I am considering the Ioniq as my next car. I am waiting to see what the N version has to offer. I am not really considering the Tesla

Hyundai’s big problem with the pricepoint of EVs is their dealer network is just not trained to deal with customers who can pay for a $60k vehicle. My Hyundai dealer I got my Palisade from is fantastic. My salesdood was great, the desk manager was great, the service department is always responsive and really good


Let’s not forget ever-present decals in the back window: Blue line flag, “Let’s go Brandon”, Punisher skull, AR-15 silhouette, and Trump 2024. But without the Brodozer and the decals how else would we know how badass these guys are?

Lifted bro trucks.

I think you’re one syllable off from a lovely haiku

That’s true.  I’m still living in the nightmare that was election night - when I thought it would be close - or - God forbid - a Trump victory.

The idea that Americans are lazy and soft, and America is going downhill because of it, has been a talking point on the political right for decades. Often there’s a subtext that it’s “other” Americans who are the problem, not the target audience of whoever’s doing the talking. “You guys are the good guys, it’s just

What a fucking joke Elon has become. Seriosuly, fuck this asshole. American’s don’t want to go to work? Fuck you buddy...

Thing is.. this sort of work ethic exists in America. I’ve seen it. Many times. But there has to be a reason other than “the CEO wants to make more money”

If you start that way it won’t do you any good at all to look at the remainder of US company heads. They all do it, many doing far worse, they are just not saying it out loud.

He loves the attitude, but I’m guessing he’s not paying them a salary that’s anywhere close to commensurate with the effort they’re putting in to making his EVs.

When Musk works those kind of hours, raises a family and is present for family events while not neglecting his work, AND does it all for under X amount a year (depending on market), then he can talk.