
However, Gorka’s thesis was awarded the double secret, super-dooper Ph.D. by the faculty of Trump University. Does that count?

“Marianne Williamson is a fraud who has no business being within miles of the White House.”

I wonder if Trump would be more upset that there was mold, or that the mold was black?

Did Trump mean wise guy as an admission that he flirts with the mob?

I am kind of surprised they withdrew him. It seems that being able to tell bold faced lies is the single most important qualification for the Trump administration.

To be fair, Haley is correct. Trump’s tweet was unnecessary. Although adding Trump’s tweet demonstrates what a petty, spiteful, asshole Trump truly is would have made her tweet much more accurate. 

Racist is racist. But you also have to think about whether a person/president was more or less racist than a wide swath of the population. For example, there are some quite racist statements/actions of Harry Truman and FDR cited in other comments. And they are absolutely racist. But compared to the general public they

Lori Loughlin is starring in, “The Grinch Who Stole Someone’s USC Admissions Letter.”

Now playing

I keep waiting for Trump to start answering questions like this (Denny Crane from Boston Legal):

No, they are wearing too much clothing for Epstein’s taste.

In this country, abortion is legal. So if you are trying to make it illegal, then you are criticizing this country. So, how can he say they don’t have the right to criticize and try change laws they disagree with, when he is availing himself of that very same right?

Or are the neonazis digging trenches in hopes they can bury some black people in said trenches?

In my early 20's I dated a woman who flirted with other guys in front of me. I’m not sure why she did it, but the first time I confronted her. She denied flirting and told me I was imaging it. The second time, I told if she wanted more attention to go for it. It just isn’t worth getting angry over, much less killing.

What kind of town elects washed up Screech to be their mayor?

I’m giving you a star just because Bill Russell was awesome in ways that Shaq can only wish to be.

What is really suspicious is that he (and his wife?) don’t have enough faith in his character to think he can be around another woman without people assuming he is having an affair.

The only reason I can think of for Trump banning Epstein is that Epstein hit on one of Trump’s favorite targets.

I just went ahead and blocked Trump. It says me the trouble of explaining to him what an ass he is, and him the trouble of blocking me for it.

Wouldn’t it be funny if one of the articles of impeachment was that Trump failed to comply with a court order for him to stop blocking twitter dissenters?

Somebody is going to have a wicked hangover.