
depending on her state, the midwife may have been practicing illegally. Your friend would probably have to report her, though.

They will refuse because people normally bring their kids to the doctor when they are sick and while they wait in the waiting room, they can infect other kids. The doctor may also have other patients who are immuno-compromised and cannot be vaccinated, and probably many newborns who have yet to be vaccinated. All of

Children don’t have the same physiology of adults, which is why there is a pediatric version of (almost) every specialty. Chiropractics is not recommended to be practiced on children because their bones and connective tissue is not the same as in adults and some of the manipulations performed on adults can be harmful

I don’t think Americans understand just how small the population of PEI is, which I think is a major reason why this policy persisted for so long. Im so happy for the Island today!

I wouldn’t try to make that argument.

My point is that you would not pay more than if you had just worried about your own family, you will likely pay less. EI benefits are also not just for maternity leave, but also for accidents and sudden job loss. Tying maternity benefits to EI makes a lot of sense because people pay into a program that they are likely

You have to look at the bigger picture. How much would you have to save after taxes to have the same amount of money as you would other wise receive in benefits? Let’s assume you earn 55k and your maternity benefit at 55% would 30k for 52weeks. Most people don’t pay 30k in taxes towards EI before they have a kid. With

In Quebec we do it a little differently than the rest of Canada - 18 weeks maternity at 70%, 5 weeks paternity at 70% and then 7 weeks parental at 70% and 25 weeks parental at 55%. Parental leave can be split between the spouses and all leave can overlap. Quebec pays out 55 weeks in total, which is more than other

So frustrating how some white people think they can’t enjoy black music and culture without whitewashing it or pretending that they’re black.

Is it normal to be familiar with the names of state prosecutors? We don’t vote for our attorneys in Canada, so I find the whole thing kind of bewildering.

This speaks to the vast disconnect between the administration and the faculty. Facilities, marketing, and possibly HR would all have weighed in on this video, I think. Probably a vice-president as well. Most likely none of those involved have the smallest grasp of the stuff actually being taught/researched at the

If you want to do the right thing, just keep being a good person and stand up against violence against any vulnerable person where you see it. It’s really not hard and you really shouldn’t see your gender as any kind of barrier to how beneficial you can be in the world. Being a woman doesn’t make you better than being

Where did you get that statistic from? I don’t know why you think that more men get rejected than women, not all women look like supermodels. It’s certainly not my experience that having a working vagina means I’m guaranteed to find someone who wants to have sex with me. Have you considered what it’s like to be a less

I can pretty much guarantee that at least by the time they are thirty years old, every woman personally knows (not in the facebook sense of knowing another person) another woman who has been threatened, harassed, assaulted or even killed because they rejected a man’s romantic interests. My sister has been threatened

In my province, the testing is routine regardless of your first blood test results (which I totally effed because I didn’t fast and drank a hot chocolate while waiting to be called, so when the results came back the doctor was like, oh you seem borderline). The drink really sucks, think of a 16oz flat orange crush

So she should just accept any and all treatment from the paparazzi because she was asking for it? The paparazzi can’t be expected to abide by any kind of ethical standard? She has a working relationship with the paparazzi - both sides profit off her fame. But she’s not allowed to complain if their behaviour crosses a

I have considered opinions on everything, so I’m probably the right person.

I don’t think it’s bad that there is overlap between the magic and the muggle world. But I think that the relationship between the magical/muggle realities is less like a secret society and more like an ethnic minority that has chosen to live apart from the majority and keep their own traditions separate. In the books

Actually, his mother’s love is what protected him. It is deep and ancient magic that Voldemort pays no attention to. It was Dumbledore who recognized that this magic could protect Harry if he lived with Petunia. As long as he was under Petunia’s care, however poor her treatment of him, Harry would be protected.

They should of said that this case has prompted them to take a long hard look at themselves and their HR policies and who they employ.