
I'm not saying she's right, I'm saying that's her perspective. I don't know if that makes her in agreement with God's policies, most religious people don't feel that if they disagree that will simply stop those things they believe in from existing. I think she clearly does feel that she is up-to-date on God's opinions

Um, no. People identify themselves by their religion, which means they have a religious identity. Religions are not merely organizations, they are also communities, which is why we talk about concepts like "the Jewish community" and we can talk about being a "Sikh" and thus having a "Sikh identity", etc.... You

No, I think the point is that if your feminist you can be nothing else that contradicts being a feminist, which is absurd because people have contradictory identities all the time and it's what prompts us to seek change to the institutions and communities we value when we see injustice within them. This is suggesting

I think that you should make the distinction that she's not consigning you to hell, God is consigning you to hell and she probably feels bad about it, but what can she do if you don't want to follow her path - she can still be your friend, so there's that.

I'm sorry you don't understand that you can be feminist and have other identities that might put your values at opposition; but this is part of being a human being - the capacity to discern between competing and opposing moral values and to make personal choices about how you would rank these values and thus live

At first, I didn't really see what was so special about her. From the photos posted in this article, she looks like a beautiful woman. Then I googled her name. Holy-cow can this woman model! Her modeling skills are really quite impressive, she can really transform her face and body depending on the shoot. I think

I was bullied before the internet as well and my home was a safe space. I'm not sure what bullies calling each other would have done to change that. If they called my home, my father would have called them right back and spoke directly to their parents and never let me answer the phone again. You can set up a safe

But she's not a woman, or wasn't when she got married and this was being filmed. She was legally a child. No child should dress like that, no child should be encouraged to behave like that. Personally, I don't see it as slut shamming, but as shamming the hypersexuality of a minor. Moreover, I don't think shame should

I was bullied and I don't think you can ever really stop it from happening. I think because of that the focus needs to be on helping kids who have been bullied. Getting them into group therapy, getting them into home schooling, getting them into alternative programs that detach them from the environment that is

There is a distinction. Private schools can be confessional. Public schools should not be.

Schools do not have to celebrate religious holidays in order to respect them. Public schools should not teach from the religion's perspective when they teach about religion - this can be accomplished in a number of ways, most importantly by not assuming that the kids in the classroom are Christian by default and

I agree with you strongly on this: "She's rejecting the tyranny of unrealistic expectations. She's going to get the experience she gets, and she's going to live with that, because ultimately birth is just a means to get the baby out."

Um, my husband works 70 hours a week and sees our daughter all day long because he takes her to work/I bring her down to see him. I'm sure that she'll be able to have an on-site nanny if she wants to and bring her kid in whenever she feels like. I'm also confident that she'll be able to work from home and telecommute.

I didn't read it as sarcastic, so don't worry. I'm also Canadian and didn't take the full year off. It's not easy to live off of 55% of your salary in the last few months. My mom took three months unpaid and went back to work, while I stayed home with my dad. I never noticed anything different, except it was always

Can I ask how much leave you are planning on taking? My only advice would be to remember that maternity leave is not just for the baby; it's for you to recuperate as well. I was kind of shocked by how hard birth and the first week of taking care of the baby was. By 2 months, things had gotten a lot easier and I

God did just this during the exodus story. Kept making Pharoh say He wouldn't let the Israelites go so that He could show off through magic and death just how much more awesome He was than the Egyptian gods.

That's the exact haircut I was asking for, just with the bangs a little more sweepy to the side, but not much longer at all. It's extra sad because I lost some of my hair around month 3 of breastfeeding and I was kind of sensitive about my hair. So it extra sucks that I have a haircut that's shit even after it grew

When I was about to pop, I paid for a more expensive haircut with a senior stylist and she cut my hair much shorter than I wanted and didn't give me bangs as I asked for. I kind of didn't care because 2 days later I had the baby and just showering became difficult. Flash forward 7.5 months and I haven't had a haircut

I think fat teens are a consequence of being told you're fat as a child. I was teased for being fat as a kid and turned to secret compulsive eating. By the time I stopped doing the behaviour it was too late, my body didn't respond to food and eating the way another kid my age's body would. I conditioned myself to be

Jesus was not unique in his day and age. There were a lot of people like him who were politically-engaged spiritual, charismatic leaders. Instead of referencing pop culture, you might want to reference Sanders, "The historical Jesus" or any other academic text. The point people are trying to make is that you're