
Lawrence Wilkerson (chief deputy to then- Sec of State Colin Powell) has written books about just how torturous a pretzel the Bush admin. - via Cheney’s office -  twisted themselves to change the actual intel into what they got Powell to present the UN.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

Yeah, I usually avoid ad hominem attacks in favor of critiques on the substance, but this article screams that it was written by someone with no expertise in intel, cyber security, or government in general.

The only time he was on my radar was when he and Fiona Apple were a couple. They were cute together. Everything was better in the 90's.

A writer at I09 and a pro Cosplayer?! Evan really is a man of many skills.

Ha! I made the same association over on theslot.

just give him some plastic keys and he’ll lose interest

“Are you now or have you ever been a believer that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for rapid global warming? Answer the question!”

Counter-Counterpoint: That is just your Manpinion.

Man tells woman what gender issues are worth addressing, claims to not be mansplaining.

This is either amazing unintentional irony, or hall of fame satire.

But Democrats do that because they don’t want to burn down the entire country the way that Republicans are willing to. It’s much easier to destroy than maintain or create. I want Democrats to obstruct, but I also can’t blame them for trying to actually govern the country successfully.

What’s frustrating is the amount

Louisiana is yet another red welfare state that gets much more back from the federal government than it pays in taxes (unlike most blue states), but hates big government. It’s just typical, hypocritical GOP bullshit.

Pennywise would make a better president. “Yes, I may be an intergalactic spider from space that subsists on a diet of the souls of children, but even I understand the importance of maintaining a tentative diplomatic relationship with China to protect our economic interests on the world stage. This go it alone

Three thoughts that may work like a little sampler platter of ideas to consider when dismissing the current protests as too violent or biased.

When first elected and then reelected, Obama was burned and hung in effigy, told to go back to Kenya etc etc and he wasn’t even enabling hateful behavior.

There were vocal

As far as I’m concerned the country has already lost, and lost badly. The fact that Trump has come this far, even if Hillary wins, has shown what a horrifyingly large section of the American public is ignorant, racist, sexist, and honestly just plain bad. Hillary is far from perfect but jesus god... I mean I’m