
You don’t get it do you. This is why you don’t give in to terrorists. The moment he capitulated to the knuckle-dragging idiots who would do the harassing is the moment he gave them the power. He brought this drama upon himself by even calling it out as a possibility. He’s empowering the assholes of the world to treat

He is definitely “internet famous” and not “famous”, even if he is insanely famous and successful among the internet famous. I guarantee you none of the musical theatre nerds I work/hang out with has heard of him, even the tech-savvy gamers. How many people around here have heard of Lin-Manuel Miranda?

I doubt it’s a popular opinion to express here, but I think someone who has chosen to make a living by thrusting themselves into the public eye should just learn to ignore rumors. I am a man so I don’t really necessarily have a horse in this race, but as a GAY man, if he had given the same reasoning for wanting to

The only logical thing for Ninja to do is stop streaming altogether, because now I’m just going to assume he’s cheating on his wife with all the dudes he plays with.

A cultural critic. It's literally his fucking job, and it's literally what this site is for. If you don't want to read cultural criticism go, like, look at recipes or something online.

I’ll say it again: Mack couldn’t lead the team out of a paper bag without worrying about it getting ripped. He’s the worst.

Mack couldn’t lead them out of a paper bag without worrying about it getting ripped. Terrible choice, lame moment. He can be the moral center/glue of the team without being the boss.

Blergh, I really have zero interest in a SHIELD with Mack as Director. He’s a whiny hypocrite about violence (tell me more about how murder is always bad, Mr Shotgun-Ax, Mr I’m The Guy Who Kills Gordan) who has never demonstrated the necessary flexibility to make the nuanced calls that a Director has to sometimes.

Lol. No.

Argh. I hate saying this, but Marvel: get your shit together. PROMOTE OTHER BOOKS! Instead of always promoting the next crossover, let’s say, promote the shit out of Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur! Or Rocket! Or anything! You get these great creative teams on books and then fail to tell anyone about them. Only hardcore

Well that sucks.

Soon we shall be super safe cause no one will want to come here! Well except for all those bands of lone wolf white supremacists.

“Just then, you’re ambushed by a George Soros!”

LOL. You got scammed - get over it.

I mean, I like people having healthcare, but maybe bragging rights would’ve been better....

Some people don’t think in terms of “sides” you fucking simpleton. This legislation massively impacts peoples’ lives.

You really don’t understand how American government works, do you?

Wait till they get to the ‘Deadly Investigative Caverns of The Special Prosecutor’ and ‘Land Of Putin/Baba Yaga .’

okay, now we NEED Rosie to play Bannon...

This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.