
I just watched this movie and was pretty taken aback by how the main protagonist treated the love interest. Did anyone else feel like it was borderline abusive? Her partner was clearly having trouble coping with her sexuality in a repressive environment and the protagonist’s reaction was basically to angrily denounce

I’m pretty sure the MARINA song is called Handmade Heaven, not Manmade Heaven.

The idea that this country would sentence some drug dealers to DEATH while shielding firearms manufacturers and retailers from all civil liability for the untold damage they cause truly makes my head want to explode, and yet does not surprise me one bit.

I look forward to the day that Jeff Sessions tries to withhold federal funding from California for our refusal to do the federal government’s job, because we will sue him into oblivion and Trump and his administration will likely be handed another defeat before the fucking Supreme Court. In conclusion, fuck off Jeff

I have to say that I think a lot of people are kind of ignoring the fact that these positions have to be filled for our government to function properly. I mean listen, I get it, I am 100 percent anti Trump. Some of his policies, and many of his cabinet picks, are nothing short of horrifying. But it merits mentioning

Actually, even non citizens not on U.S. soil enjoy some constitutional protections. For one, the Constitution prohibits the government from denying habeas corpus rights to such people, as held in the 2008 Supreme Court case Boumediene v. Bush (as applied to Guantanamo detainees, who were not U.S. citizens or held on

Stop trying to stifle my kink Jezebel.

Honestly, I can think of way more people who proselytize about how amazing it is to eat meat than how amazing it is to be vegan or vegetarian.

I’m sorry but that is bull, and not at all what Bernie is advocating. People are making a mountain out of a molehill here. He’d rather have someone more progressive. And while we can debate on the merits of a Pres-Elect Sanders asking Pres Obama to withdraw his current nomination, doing so is absolutely nothing like

Honestly, I don’t think it should. I think the reality about the media’s (and Gawker/Jezebel/whatevs) bagging on Hillary is that it derives from, primarily, a single place: the entertainment value of knocking the top dog down a few pegs. I mean, people are entertained by mudslinging like this, and this article in

Did it ever occur to you that maybe there hasn’t been as much coverage of this as there might otherwise be because there is still so much we still don’t know? I, for one, would argue that it is prudent to tread carefully when potentially implicating members of a marginalized group in heinous crimes. Outrage can be a

I love this show, but I am really not looking forward to being bludgeoned by the themes of Catholic guilt.

I wish Bernie had had a few more specifics, but overall I LOOOOOOOVED this debate. Love both candidates, loved Bernie’s speech on regime change, it was like he was reading my mind. Loved some of Hillary’s details. I’m in a good place right now.

UGH, I got golden retriever too. Objectively false, this website is a farse! *flips table, does not get along well with everyone*

I kind of get it? But also don’t. I think I need a line by line translation.

Legitimately, wtf is this?

That’s the thing though, they don’t have to choose either. They can (and most likely will) just stonewall, like they have been doing for years. This is what makes the argument that she can work better with Congress so dubious.


I’m literally bookmarking this so I can come back later and figure out if this is a real thing or not and, if so, totally join.

I’m sorry but some dumb dog is not better than Piper, the headstrong investigative journalist, that is just crazytalk. I don’t care if she’s basically a single basic trope stretched over hours of dialogue, that trope is the best.