
Three thoughts that may work like a little sampler platter of ideas to consider when dismissing the current protests as too violent or biased.

When first elected and then reelected, Obama was burned and hung in effigy, told to go back to Kenya etc etc and he wasn’t even enabling hateful behavior.

There were vocal

It’s the work of a lot of stupid people across this country with heavy concentrations in Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida.

Well, this’ll teach me not to be optimistic about anything, ever.

Is there any chance this is the work of Russian hackers?

My cousin nust asked what our options are if Trump wins. I said, “ There are three months until inauguration. Meanwhile, Gluttony, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse would be ways to pass the time. Then we get in the car and head straight off rhe Pacific Palusades.”

Listen I am using the damn dismiss button ardently tonight so if you got shit to say know that it will not see the light of day idgaf of you don’t agree with me you can kiss my ass💋

Don’t bother, that giddy asshole has been trolling around here for a while. If he wants to continue to out himself as an enormous piece of shit just dismiss him if he comments on anything you say.

I haven’t cried in years...I’m honestly on the verge of crying. My mom is calling and freaking out. My roommate has gone comatose. I don’t know what the fuck to do.

As far as I’m concerned the country has already lost, and lost badly. The fact that Trump has come this far, even if Hillary wins, has shown what a horrifyingly large section of the American public is ignorant, racist, sexist, and honestly just plain bad. Hillary is far from perfect but jesus god... I mean I’m

Queue the Johnson/Stein supporters who will say it’s our fault. Fuck those people until the end of time.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you’re a white person because only a white person would need to ask that question. It’s obvious to anyone else.

Edited to removed until I get more confirmation on that.

It’s not close! She’s losing EVERYWHERE, even next door to me in New Hampshire! I am freaking the fuck out!!! She’s losing MInnesota! MSNBC showed the national vote count and she’s down 51%-44% and my heart skipped a beat...WTF?? I thought all these white people were dead...where did they come from?

WTF is this shit? We’re looking down the barrel of a Trump presidency. FOUR YEARS OF TRUMP.

As I’m comforting my Muslim spouse as she sobs about what this means for her, I don’t have time for nausea. I just want her to be okay. I want to live in a place where an interfaith lesbian couple with disabilities aren’t seen as the enemy. I’m tired of our lives hanging in the balance every goddamn election because

I am literally sick to my stomach. No matter,NO MATTER your views on Clinton, there is NO REASON! that a piece of fucking garbage like Trump should be president. He is concerned with one thing, making Donald Trump better.He dosen’t give a fuck about his little cult, and he dosen’t give a fuck about this country. I

Even if Clinton wins the answer is a resounding yes.

I am speechless with rage at all the idiots who thought it wasn’t worth going to the polls this election. I want to cry.

I didn’t think it would be this close. Not in a million years. I’ve basically lost all faith in humanity. Is this country really this racist, homophobic, misogynistic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, decency-phobic?

There were silent supporters all along but I never thought there would be so many. I’m just going to keep drinking.